
Proposta de gerenciamento operacional para a Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto: estudo da ETE Sideral, Belém-PA

In the present work, operational management of the Sideral Sewer Treatment Station is proposed - Belém City, Pará State. For that, was used a management method named management of the routine that aims to manage a main process by means of the flowcharts definition where certain activities and contro...

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Autor principal: BARBOSA, Ana Julia Soares
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: Portuguese
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2011
Acesso em linha: http://www.repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/1878
In the present work, operational management of the Sideral Sewer Treatment Station is proposed - Belém City, Pará State. For that, was used a management method named management of the routine that aims to manage a main process by means of the flowcharts definition where certain activities and control items organize the process. In the work are analyzed: the physical conditions of the units and its influences in the proposed treatment; the current management way of SSTS, to finally elaborate the operational management proposal. The proposal has defined the main process, the sewer treatment, its subprocesses, the preliminary and secondary treatments, for which were defined operational activities as cleaning up the units, laboratorial and operational monitorship and control items as spreadsheet of data. It was also proposed the elaboration of a system to control data and informations for SSTS, as well as the management decisions and operations routine for SSTS.