
Plano diretor setorial do sistema de esgotamento sanitário: alternativas de concepção para a área de maior adensamento populacional do município de Belém - PA

In this work are proposed conceptions to support the expansion planning of the collecting system, treatment and final disposal of sewer in Belém City, more specifically in the area which has the larger population density (1,143,946 inhabitants) and low Sanitary Sewer System (SSS) assistance rate. F...

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Autor principal: SILVA, Valdinei Mendes da
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2011
Acesso em linha: http://www.repositorio.ufpa.br:8080/jspui/handle/2011/1895
In this work are proposed conceptions to support the expansion planning of the collecting system, treatment and final disposal of sewer in Belém City, more specifically in the area which has the larger population density (1,143,946 inhabitants) and low Sanitary Sewer System (SSS) assistance rate. For that, actions in order to expand this infra-structure are necessary and it must occur in sustainable, efficient, planned and integrated ways. In the work are analyzed studies and projects already carried out on the planning area. Firstly, it was made a diagnostic of the SSS existent. Then it was elaborated the population projection on the period from 2005 to 2025 and calculated the sewer demand for the next 20 years. Finally, with these data, it was formulated the conception alternatives. The 6 (six) conception alternatives are based on SSS progressive decentralization showing variations concerning the number of Sewer Treatment Stations (STP), collection and transposition features of sanitary sewer among the sewerage system basins and the location of the STSs. The alternative 3 (three) was the best one because it presents sewer treatment closer to its source. The work intends to contribute towards taking decisions in order to expand the SSS in Belém City.