
As culturas infantis no espaço e tempo do recreio: constituindo singularidade sobre a criança

This research had as objective to investigate the infantile cultures in the recreation and followed the partner-historical line that the child understands as subject description and social producer of culture. I objectified as main focus to apprehend the infantile cultures of the children of the pu...

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Autor principal: SOUZA, Ana Paula Vieira e
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: Portuguese
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2011
Acesso em linha: http://www.repositorio.ufpa.br:8080/jspui/handle/2011/1983
This research had as objective to investigate the infantile cultures in the recreation and followed the partner-historical line that the child understands as subject description and social producer of culture. I objectified as main focus to apprehend the infantile cultures of the children of the public school of the city of Belém by means of the emission of discursivos statements in its schedule of recreation, the cultures produced in the current universe of infancy. The discursiva boarding was the perspective adopted in the invetigação process, therefore it allowed to infer the meaning and sensible that the children attribute to the pertaining to school time destined to the recreation; to historiar as the time of the recreation was being established for the Brazilian legislation, in a general way, and for documents of the State of Pará and the city of Belém, in particular. 93 children had participated of the study in the etária band of 09 the 11 years of the series 3 and 4 of Basic Ensino. I used as instruments of retraction of data the exploratória comment and the questionnaire. The analyses had been organized in 07 thematic axles that had emerged of the statements of the children. It arrives in port it theoretical for the analyses of the collected data was based on the historical perspective and the dialógicas teorizações of Mikhail Bakhtin on speech, interactions and the constitution of the citizen. The theoretical beddings on the infantile infancy and cultures had come of Sarmento and Pinto, Steinberg and Kincheloe, Quinteiro, Kramer. The statements of the children disclose to the direction and meaning of the recreation as moment to play it, the games, the colloquies, time of diversion, pleasure and satisfaction. The cultures infantile gifts and produced by the children in the recreation are the tricks, the games, the television, the Internet, the reading, among others. Moreover, the data point practical of entailed interactions to the infantile work and activities of learning in the pertaining to school context. For some children it is time to be without making nothing, is all equal one, time to be sad. The children disclose the interactions with the adults as to talk with the guard and the Belinha teacher. Therefore, the recreation is a magical space and must have its independent time of the schedule of merenda pertaining to school.