
Transpiração em espécie de grande porte na Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã, Pará

During the “Long-term of impact drought on water and carbon dioxide fluxes in Amazonian Tropical Rainforest Experiment” (ESECAFLOR), this study was carried out, which is a subproject of Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazônia (LBA), located in the Ferreira Penna Scientific Station (...

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Autor principal: COSTA, Rafael Ferreira da
Outros Autores: SILVA, Vicente de Paulo Rodrigues da, RUIVO, Maria de Lourdes Pinheiro, MEIR, Patrick, COSTA, Antonio Carlos Lôla da, MALHI, Yadvinder Singh, BRAGA, Alan Pantoja, GONÇALVES, Paulo Henrique Lopes, SILVA JUNIOR, João de Athaydes
Grau: Artigo
Idioma: por
Publicado em: 2011
Acesso em linha:
During the “Long-term of impact drought on water and carbon dioxide fluxes in Amazonian Tropical Rainforest Experiment” (ESECAFLOR), this study was carried out, which is a subproject of Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazônia (LBA), located in the Ferreira Penna Scientific Station (FPSS) in the Caxiuanã National Forest (CNF) in Pará State (1o 42’ 30’’ S; 51o 31’45’’ W; 62 m altitude). The region has a well-preserved forest, with canopy of 35 m. The predominate tree species in the landscape are Eschweilera coriacea (White Matá-matá), Voucapoua americana (Acapu) and Protium pallidum (White Pitch). Sap flow measurements were made in the wet season (03-16 December 2000 and 12-25 January 2003), to evidence the effect of long term induced drought, aiming to determinate the transpiration of Eschweilera coriacea. The ESECAFLOR site consists of two different areas with 1 ha each. Plot A (control) and Plot B (rainfall exclusion). The Trunk Heat Balance (THB)method was applied to sap flow measurements, by Sap Flow Meter P4.1 system. Between analysed periods, the mean transpiration of E. Coriacea increased 56% in the tree A237 (control plot) and decreased 68% in B381 (drought plot)