
Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte: o campo de forças no licenciamento ambiental e o discurso desenvolvimentista dos agentes políticos

This dissertation develops an analysis about the dynamic of the field of relationships established around the construction of the Belo Monte dam, seen from the actions undertaken in the licensing process. The main objective was to reveal the logics that organize actions and relations between actors...

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Autor principal: NASCIMENTO, Sabrina Mesquita do
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2012
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/2966
This dissertation develops an analysis about the dynamic of the field of relationships established around the construction of the Belo Monte dam, seen from the actions undertaken in the licensing process. The main objective was to reveal the logics that organize actions and relations between actors and institutions and determine the course of licensing procedures for the dam. It was evidenced by analysis the weakening of environmental policy instrument, because of the production of a deregulation of rules established to license the build that was identified during the monitoring process. At the same time, the study examines elements and the contents of the discourse that proves the reproduction of developmentalist ideology as the predominant view in national policies for the Amazon. Through literature review, documentary research and field research, the dissertation shows that those who mobilizes a huge political capital in favor of the project and have more power within the field of relationships are the agents and institutions closer to the issues identified as strategic development policies. In this context, according to the reflections produced in this work, the imbalance between the strength of institutions like the Casa Civil, Ministério de Minas e Energia, Setor Elétrico Brasileiro, Ibama, Ministério Público e Movimentos Sociais mark the production of deregulation of environmental licensing at the expense of distorted use of the instruments contained therein and concepts which base its conduction. The result of this weakening will be reflected in the form of an institutionalized irresponsibility on a broader set of rights in the present legal order and in the democratic regime in Brazil.