
Ler e escrever blogs literários: a narrativa hipertextual na configuração da webliteratura

Digital technologies have brought new settings for the communication as a whole, and for literature in particular. One of the oldest existing technologies, the writing, is redesigned, according to the technical characteristics of new technologies. This search proposes a discussion about the cultural...

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Autor principal: CARNEIRO, Jéssica de Souza
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2012
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/3015
Digital technologies have brought new settings for the communication as a whole, and for literature in particular. One of the oldest existing technologies, the writing, is redesigned, according to the technical characteristics of new technologies. This search proposes a discussion about the cultural effects of contemporary times in the trend of making literature, focusing analysis of the virtual dimension offered by new media technologies, especially the Internet (SANTAELLA, 2007). From the analysis of the new formats of circulation and expression offered by cyberspace (LEVY, 1999), like blogs, discuss how the field of contemporary media interferes with the current narrative-literary practices (MARCUSCHI, 2010), changing the forms of interaction writer/literature, writer/reader and reader/literature, by engendering a mediation function which, in turn, creates new cultural process of remodeling of patterns of perception of the world, individuals and social reality (MARTIN-BARBERO, 2003). We intend to investigate the languages of hypertextual narrative, originated by the effective exploitation of resources by bloggers of hypermedia for setting up own expressive shapes the environment in question, from what is called text webliterary.