
A aprendizagem de algoritmos: uma experiência no curso de Tecnologia em Informática do CEFET- PA

This research treats of an experience lived with the students of the course of Technology in Analysis and Development of Systems of the Federal Center of Technological Education of Pará - CEFET about the learning of algorithms and programming. The present study is justified for the relevance in the...

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Autor principal: AVIZ JUNIOR, Adelmar Alves de
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2012
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/3074
This research treats of an experience lived with the students of the course of Technology in Analysis and Development of Systems of the Federal Center of Technological Education of Pará - CEFET about the learning of algorithms and programming. The present study is justified for the relevance in the professional's of the computer science area practice that acts in the superior professional education discussing algorithms. Although there are conceptions concerning the obstacles related to the theme, there is the need to investigate the difficulties and factors that contribute with the learning of algorithms and consequently of programming. Does this work intend like this to answer the following subject? Is it possible to improve the process teaching-learned of algorithms through the pedagogy of projects? With base in the lifted up observations, we propose and we placed in practice a teaching model based on this pedagogy, with the objective to increase the understanding of algorithms. The adopted methodology used the research-action in the sense of investigation observation colaborative in the action. The theoretical foundations based on the theory of meanigful learning of David Ausubel, in the facilitative proposals of that learning for Postman and Weingartner, Marco Antônio Moreira and in Construcionismo of Papert. In a general way good impressions were especially verified with development of the project by terms observed in the students adult motivation with the programming activity noticed by the autonomy and reflection in the stages of development of the project.