
Políticas de ordenamento territorial, desmatamento e dinâmicas de fronteira

Concerning the Amazonia State action, in the federal and state government, this article analysis if the territorial ordainment politics may generated social efficacious and best use of natural capital, considering the socioeconomics dynamics in course. In the empiric plan, the research which has be...

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Autor principal: CASTRO, Edna Maria Ramos de
Grau: Artigo
Idioma: por
Publicado em: 2012
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Concerning the Amazonia State action, in the federal and state government, this article analysis if the territorial ordainment politics may generated social efficacious and best use of natural capital, considering the socioeconomics dynamics in course. In the empiric plan, the research which has been given to this work was realized in the region crossed by the BR-163, Cuiabá-Santarém Road, in the Pará State. The social reality is composed of both logical diversity and rationalities that determinate the social practices. Being In this perspective that examines the State action e its politics both territorial ordainment and fundiary, as a counterpoint to the predatory dynamic of the frontier expansion and deforestation, being understanding that the rationalities of actors and its motivations, both individual and collectives, are important in the definition of the State socialspatial strategies.