
Ecologia, pesca e dinâmica populacional do camarão-da-Amazônia - Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller, 1862) (Decapoda:Palaemonidae) – capturado na região das ilhas de Belém - Pará - Brasil

In monthly biological samples of M. amazonicum in Guajará Bay and Mosqueiro island, were studied reproduction, density, morphometric relationships and population dynamics. Two other sample designs was realized in two perennial the same estuary. Results indicate differences in capture of this spec...

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Autor principal: SILVA, Bianca Bentes da
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2013
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/3514
In monthly biological samples of M. amazonicum in Guajará Bay and Mosqueiro island, were studied reproduction, density, morphometric relationships and population dynamics. Two other sample designs was realized in two perennial the same estuary. Results indicate differences in capture of this species using different bait of meal, but is solely on the abundance and population structure does not change. The species is most abundant in the dry season, supporting the idea higher catchability of fishery resources. In Combu island was found species with larger sizes. Females are significantly larger and heavier than males, indicating the differentiation in metabolism due to reproduction. Sex ratio of males is higher in smaller size classes, which may indicate an increase in predation on smaller sizes of males due to their behavior more aggressive than the females or males simply because they reach lengths larger than females are more heavily preyed upon by fishing, with the recruitment of only the smaller males. First maturation length for both sexes resulted in 11.5 mm – carapace length - (11.5 mm in males and 11.2 mm in females). Reproduction in M. amazonicum is continuous or periodic a gradual increase during the months from October to March. The most common sites housed, as inner regions of tidal channels or holes (common in Amazon estuary) sites are preferentially sought by mature females for spawning and juvenile growth. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters obtained were very similar between the sexes, where L ∞ = 44.8 mm and K = 0.35 for males and L ∞ = 46.5 and K = 0.31 for females. Mortality and exploitation obtained was in maximum sustainability and the management should be treated fairly care. In this situation, any increase in effort may result a state of over-exploitation of growth. Allied to near commitment of the stocks of M. amazonicum of the socio economic fishing is no different from other systems of coastal fishery Para: poor education, poor performance of professional associations, chain productive complex and that its main underprivileged. We suggest the statistical monitoring of production, the delineation of the minimum capture length in 4.5cm; suppression of fishing with matapis in headwater areas of creeks and tidal channels, a census of users and the use of models bioeconomic that include major aspects of its biological and productive chain.