
A composição de Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) coprófagos na região de Alter do Chão, Pará: a influência dos biomas Amazônia e cerrado e da sazonalidade e os efeitos de tamanho de área, isolamento e proximidade de estradas

This work had as objective to investigate the effect of the size of the forest islands, of its distances for the continuous forest (isolation) and for the adjacent roads on the coprófagos community of Scarabaeidae. Samples had been collected in 24 islands of semideciduous forest, between 0,5 and...

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Autor principal: TEIXEIRA, Frederico Machado
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2013
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/4288
This work had as objective to investigate the effect of the size of the forest islands, of its distances for the continuous forest (isolation) and for the adjacent roads on the coprófagos community of Scarabaeidae. Samples had been collected in 24 islands of semideciduous forest, between 0,5 and 360 ha, in an Amazonian savanna matrix and eight places in predominantly secondary, semideciduous continuous forest, in the region of Alter do Chão, Santarém, Pará. The Scarabaeidae had been collected with pitfall traps with bait (human dung) in two seasonal periods (dries and rain). For each point of collection 10 traps had been installed in two 250 m transects, distant 100 m between itself. 5 traps in each transect that had been placed 50 m apart. For each place of collect was registered the DAP (Height Brest Tree Diameter), of all trees with equal or superior diameter of the 5 cm, in four 250 transectos of 2 x m, being these used data to derive the indices from the structure of the vegetation (average diameter and number of individuals). The area, perimeter and the distances of the islands for the continue forest had been calculated using respectively the extensions "X-Tools" and "Nearest Features v3.6d" for ArcView, on the map of the area digitalized from an image of Landsat TM of 1996. The collected units had been identified with the aid of specialized bibliography and specialists. For the characterization of the fauna, the joined species had been compared with a list of species generated from publications for the Cerado, Amazonia and Brazilian ecotone (cerrado-floresta). To evaluate the robustness of the sampling, curves of rarefação had been used and gotten estimates of wealth using itself diverse estimators. For the analysis of the standards of the communities, an analysis HNMDS (Semi-strong Hibrid Multidimensional Scaling) using itself in the distance of Bray-Curtis was used. 18 pertaining sorts and 36 species to biomas of the Cerrado and Amazonia had been found, but was not possible to have a complete notion of the parcel of each biome represented in this ecotone of transition savanna-forest, once that the samples had not been enough for the exhausting survey of the wealth of Scarabaeidae. The ordinance showed a trend of grouping of the continuous forests and separation of these of the forest islands. Although the survey to have registered a bigger number of species in the forest islands that in the areas of continuous forest, the communities had presented a strong hierarchic standard [ P (T< 14,87°)<0,001 ], indicating that in the islands they are persisting only one parcel of the total of species of the region. A relation was not found enters the composition of Scarabaeidae and the size and the form of the forest islands. But a significant relation between the composition (axle 1) and the isolation (F=5,363, P=0,031) and the composition (axle 1) and the number of trees was found (DAP > 5 cm) (F=6,103, P=0,012, corrected for Bonferroni). The number of trees of each place of sampling was related with the proximity of roads (0,658), what it strengthens the idea of that the roads are contributing for changes in the structure of the vegetation, that in turn has a effect on the fauna of Scarabaeidae.