
Desenvolvimento local sustentável como liberdade: uma experiência de planejamento estratégico do Grupo de Mulheres Erva Vida

This dissertation titled Sustainable Local Development as Freedom: A Strategic Planning Experience of women group Herb Life has as main objective to analyze the prospections arising freedom in the process of local sustainable development. Underpins the theory is the appropriation of the concept of I...

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Autor principal: SILVA, Cleber Gomes da
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2013
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/4493
This dissertation titled Sustainable Local Development as Freedom: A Strategic Planning Experience of women group Herb Life has as main objective to analyze the prospections arising freedom in the process of local sustainable development. Underpins the theory is the appropriation of the concept of Instrumental Freedoms (FI's), discussed by Amartya Sen (2000). Are both the end and the middle of the development process. Intertwine and become stronger as they are reached. These instrumental freedoms were called political freedom, economic facilities, social opportunities; transparency and Guarantees and Measures ensurig social protection and security. To achieve the results of this research, we observed the internal and external aspects of a social organization and analysis of the prospects of removing restrictions on such freedoms, from an experience of strategic planning conducted by the group of women Herb Life in Marapanim (PA). The group was selected from an action of solidarity economy, developed by Etnofarmácia laboratory, the Center for Environment UFPa with a women's quiet neighborhood in the district of Marudá in Marapanim (PA) involved in the production of medicines craft. Considering the results of this research, the products are direct from the drafting of the strategic planning group and produce a guidance manual for facilitators of local planning. These products may contribute indirectly to improving public policies to local sustainable development in the Amazon region, contributing, in general, directly in the tools for formulating proposals for natural resource management.