
A maçonaria e a campanha abolicionista no Pará:1870-1888

The considered subject of research constitutes in a proposal innovative, in the measure where, amongst the groups and associations that had participated of the fight for the abolition, the freemasonry to less the perhaps studied and searched e, thus, with this study, we intend to demonstrate that th...

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Autor principal: MONTEIRO, Elson Luiz Rocha
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2014
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/4558
The considered subject of research constitutes in a proposal innovative, in the measure where, amongst the groups and associations that had participated of the fight for the abolition, the freemasonry to less the perhaps studied and searched e, thus, with this study, we intend to demonstrate that the lodges, with other associations, followed the changes that if processed social and politically in the country, establishing a new culture politics that involved different citizens that if found in the vanguard of the process abolitionist, fighting for the change of the relations of production in the country. This work evokes the fight for the emancipation of the slaves defended by masons of Pará, as well as the analysis of the positioning of the mason in relation to the imperial regimen, is the basic question of the research, making possible to resize this subject, being looked for to investigate the social strategies developed by these citizens, through the performance of important the lodges and of some masons as Lauro Sodré, demonstrating its positioning politicians and its forms of performance. The periodical research of the time made possible that of 1880 in ahead associations are established that generally if use to advantage of public parties to debate for the freedom of the slaves. The worked methodology basically consisted of consultation to periodicals of the time and documentation of register of the lodges that are referenced throughout this work. In the considered period, the periodical was main the media of the society, being very used by scholars and politicians who had started to use its pages to criticize the regimen enslaver in crisis, friction it of behind and incompatible with the modernization that was in course in the country.