
A avaliação formativa no ensino-aprendizagem do português: o procedimento webquest em análise

This dissertation approaches the use of the Internet in the process of teaching / learning of mother language, more specifically the use of the Webquest technological procedure as a didactic and pedagogical tool which supports school teaching, learning and assessment processes, and consequently opti...

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Autor principal: RODRIGUES, Keifer Eleutério
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2014
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/4693
This dissertation approaches the use of the Internet in the process of teaching / learning of mother language, more specifically the use of the Webquest technological procedure as a didactic and pedagogical tool which supports school teaching, learning and assessment processes, and consequently optimizes the development of language competences by the students. To support the inclusion of New Information Technologies and Communication in teaching and learning of mother language, at first a reflection will take place about the theoretical and methodological framework that has been proposed by recent studies of Languages Didactization and the PCNs to the mother language. In this reflection, focus on the principles of the teaching and learning interactional approach of languages and formative assessment, showing their relevance to a fruitful work in the classroom. Then join to these fundamentals, the studies developed by the Educational Technology, which deals with computer use as an educational resource, emphasizing the constructivist theory as a theoretical basis that guides this practice. In this context, is defined more specifically the Webquest research methodology, which can employ the Internet to support student interaction with diverse information, peoples and to deal with the real language use, within a contextualized environment in social and communicative practices. Based on this theoretical stand, I will analyze seven Webquests produced by the students of the Language Course at Federal University of Pará, aiming at verifying if this methodology if this methodology is consistent with the teaching and learning interactional approach of mother language and formative assessment favours learning (self) evaluative and (self) regulation procedures, indispensable for the development of the language competences on the written production. In this document analysis, performed from the perspective of qualitative research, it is proposed as the main objective is to contribute to the insertion of the Webquest technological procedure into productive practical learning and teaching practices of mother language, as a way of providing theoretical support for the use of this tool in interactional educational principles.