
Reprodução, treinamento alimentar e larvicultura do peixe folha, Monocirrhus polyacanthus (Heckel, 1840) (Polycentridae, perciformes) em laboratório

The leaf fish is present throughout the Amazon basin, and is often exploited by the trade of ornamental fish. There is a decrease of its stock due to fishing ornamental. There is a paucity of information so that they would be useful for cultivation and may promote the social inclusion of Amazon orna...

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Autor principal: RAMOS, Fabrício Menezes
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2014
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/4711
The leaf fish is present throughout the Amazon basin, and is often exploited by the trade of ornamental fish. There is a decrease of its stock due to fishing ornamental. There is a paucity of information so that they would be useful for cultivation and may promote the social inclusion of Amazon ornamental fishing and extractive fishing decreased. As it is, in general, very difficult to obtain this information by making direct observations in nature, an alternative is to conduct such a study through controlled experiments in the laboratory. So this study aimed to generate information about reproduction, training and hatchery feeding, using different conductivity and breeding and spawning substrate, different forms of replacement of live food for the inert different concentrations in different live food fish stocking density sheet as well as subjecting these substances to prophylactic said. Thus it was possible to know that the use of low conductivity water (reverse osmosis) has an important role in the reproduction of the fish studied. I use frozen fish larvae as food in an inert piece of fish meal feeding provides the best rates for gains in weight and length when compared to other foods tested. What type of food provided to fish larvae sheet, regardless of stocking density in this period of development, affected the growth performance without affecting the quality parameters of water, and live food, Moina minuta, presented better results gain weight, growth, relative condition factor and survival. And that the aqueous extract of Terminalia catappa and methylene blue are the most studied substances recommended for larviculture of this species. Although the use of salt for 5 days may also be recommended.