
Suicídio, da identificação com a mãe morta ao resgate narcísico: um estudo psicanalítico do personagem Richard Brown do filme As horas

The theme of such Dissertation is suicide as a consequence of identification with the dead mother. It is a theoretical research based on the psycho-analytical theory which recurs to the analysis of the character Richard Brown, from the motion picture The Hours, in order to illustrate the theoreti...

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Autor principal: FERREIRA, Maria Cristina da Silva
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2014
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/5188
The theme of such Dissertation is suicide as a consequence of identification with the dead mother. It is a theoretical research based on the psycho-analytical theory which recurs to the analysis of the character Richard Brown, from the motion picture The Hours, in order to illustrate the theoretical argument that the identification revival with the dead mother may be an unlinking factor for the suicide of the melancholic patient in the adult life. Initially, it is tried to explicit the dead mother concept, characterized as a mother who, even when present, is quite absent as for the cares and love investment towards the child due to her depression. Thus, to the child, the maternal image shall be one of a lifeless mother, a dead mother. It shows identification with the dead mother as a psychic defense to the traumatic situation provoked by the maternal love underinvestment. The child, in the relationship with the mother, lives a psychic catastrophe which Green has called narcissist trauma, what will determine the fate of the libidinal, objective and narcissist investment of the individual. Hence, melancholy is considered a psycho-pathology, manifested at an adult age by the individual subjugated by the complex of the dead mother. The study of melancholy in the Mourning and Melancholy of Freud furnishes subsidies to the understanding of the inner world processes of those ones who want to terminate their own existence. Melancholy evidences the struggle between the I and the Super-I on the roles of accuser and accused ones. It shows that the Super-I becomes sadistic when asking for perfection to the masochist I narcissistically impoverished by the identification with the dead mother. When it gets to the sadistic borders, such struggle leads the I, identified with the dead mother, to desire to eliminate the object badly introduced to a part of the I, in order to rescue its idealized narcissist value. It points out suicide as the psychical exit found by the melancholic patient to get free from the identification with the dead mother. It is concluded that in the suicide, the unconscious conflicts manifested in the adult life are revivals of the psychic contents registered in childhood. In this paper, the revival of the identification with the dead mother would have been the unlinking factor of suicide of Richard Brown in his adult life.