
O abaixamento das médias pretônicas no português falado em Aurora do Pará – PA: uma análise variacionista

This research has as an object of study investigating the lowering of the average unstressed variety of Portuguese spoken in Aurora do Pará (PA). It was based on the assumptions of quantitative sociolinguistics Labov (1972), and support needed to investigate systematic variation of a language commun...

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Autor principal: FERREIRA, Jany Éric Queirós
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2014
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/5258
This research has as an object of study investigating the lowering of the average unstressed variety of Portuguese spoken in Aurora do Pará (PA). It was based on the assumptions of quantitative sociolinguistics Labov (1972), and support needed to investigate systematic variation of a language community. In addition, some methodological procedures adopted by Bortoni - Ricardo (1985) for analysis, important for the study of dialects in communities of migration, social networks were used as in the case of Aurora do Pará, located in the Northeast of Pará and Mesoregion its particularity that the fact of having received significant emigration in the decades of 60,70 and 80 of the last century. The corpus was formed from recordings of interviews of 28 informants were divided into two groups: a) a tether, with 19 migrant informants of Ceará ( nine (9) male and 10 (ten) female), distributed in the age groups 30-46 years and above 50 years; b) a control group, with nine (9) informants (three (3) males and six (6) female), group descended paraenses anchorage. The corpus data submitted to analysis totaled 4,033 occurrences of vowels object, previous </e/> (2394) and later </o/> (1639). Were established as extralinguistic variables: sex, sample group, residence time, and location. For linguistic variables were considered: the nature of the stressed vowel, pre- pretonica vowel when oral, pre-pretonica when nasal vowel, vowel contiguous distance on the stressed syllable, atonicidade, nature of the suffix, depending on the onset of the syllable vowel target, depending on the onset of the following vowel syllable and syllable weight. After statistical analyzes computed by Goldvarb software, the results showed that in the dialect of Aurora do Pará/PA predominant variants not lowering – [i,e].71 and [u,o] .74 at the expense of lowering - [ E] .28 and [O] .26 . For lowering favoring the variables were: ( i) the nature of the stressed vowel, (ii) pre- pretônica vowel, where oral, (iii ) vowel contiguous, (iv) distance from the syllable tonic, (v) atonicidade (vi) Nature of the suffix , (vii) depending on the onset of the syllable of the target vowel, (viii) depending on the onset of the following syllable, (ix) syllabic weight in relation to syllable vowel target, (x) sex, (xi) range age, (xii) residence time. The results revealed loss of dialectal brand of Ceará migrants because of the dialect contact with other dialects and showed that vowel lowering in the dialect in question is caused mainly by the vowel harmony process. These results are a reflection of the social network of informants which has low density and is uniplex, characterizing them as more likely to cultural changes and linguistic innovations.