
Critérios utilizados na seleção de parceiras amorosas em relacionamentos de curto e longo prazo entre mulheres de orientação homossexual em idade reprodutiva

Different criteria used for partner choice among men and women have been identified. This difference probably stems from the different degrees of parental investment of each gender. Women seem to be predisposed to select partners with characteristics of emotional and material investment, as well as...

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Autor principal: CORRÊA, Hellen Vivianni Veloso
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2014
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/5346
Different criteria used for partner choice among men and women have been identified. This difference probably stems from the different degrees of parental investment of each gender. Women seem to be predisposed to select partners with characteristics of emotional and material investment, as well as good indications of health. Men, on the other hand, may use the same criteria as women, however, they give more importance to physical appearance and youth. In short and long term relationships the literature indicates that there is a difference in the choices among women. In the first case they have demonstrated to prefer characteristics related to physical health compared to the second type of relationship, in which the emphasis has been focused on partners who are good at providing resources and who have high level of emotional investment. There are few studies that investigated the criteria that homosexual women use in their partner choice. Data from studies investigating the origin of homosexuality suggested the possibility of biological influences. In evolutionary terms, homosexuality could have evolved in part as a byproduct of pleasure evolution, typical from sexual activities. If this hypothesis is correct, the potential for developing a homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual orientation can be enhanced by characteristic environments of particular individuals. This assumption may suggest that the psychological mechanisms for mate choice are similar among women of different sexual orientations. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the preferences in partner choice of 100 women in reproductive period, from 18 to 40 years, who classified themselves as “exclusive homosexual” or “homosexual, and sometimes heterosexual.” For data collection we used two instruments, one for the selection of participants and another for data collection. The instrument of data collection was divided in: 1) Demographic Data, 2) Data from partners, 3) Criteria valued in choosing a partner, 4) Criteria valued in choosing a short and long term partner, 5) Variables related to sexual performance. Participants were contacted by the method a) “snow ball”, b) in bars attended by gay groups and c) in GLBT associations. We specifically investigated the variables involved in choosing short and long term partners and compared the results with data collected by Cruz (2009) with heterosexual women in reproductive period. The results indicated that there is greater preference for physical attributes in short-term relationships among both homosexual and heterosexual women. Attributes related to bonding were more demanded in long-term relationship; possibly because 75.6% of these women have an income and do not depend on their partners to survive, reducing the need for partners who invest in material resources. Homosexual women seem to have the same standards of partner choice as heterosexual ones do.