
Estimativa de parâmetros elásticos em meios anisotrópicos

Amplitude, polarization and the slowness vector measurements carry information about the medium where wave propagation occurs. This thesis investigates these data aiming at the recovery of elastic properties in anisotropic media. Reflection coefficients can be estimated from amplitude data and dep...

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Autor principal: GOMES, Ellen de Nazaré Souza
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2014
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/5660
Amplitude, polarization and the slowness vector measurements carry information about the medium where wave propagation occurs. This thesis investigates these data aiming at the recovery of elastic properties in anisotropic media. Reflection coefficients can be estimated from amplitude data and depend nonlinearly on elastic and density contrasts across an interface. When the impedance contrast is weak, the linear approximations for the qP reflectivity are more convenient for inversion of density and elastic parameters using analysis of amplitude versus the angle of incidence (AVO) and amplitude versus the direction of the incidence plane (AVD). Partitioning the linear system defined by Zoepprittz equations allows one to write the solution of these equations in terms of impedance and polarization matrices. Using this solution, linear approximations for the qP reflectivity are derived for weak impedance contrasts and arbitrary symmetry classes of anisotropy. The linear approximations are evaluated for different acquisition geometries and choice of the reference medium. The approximations for the reflection coefficients of the reflected qP and the converted waves are in good agreement with the exact solution for incidence angles up to 30° for media that satisfy the weak impedance assumption. If a single oriented set of fractures is represented by a transversely isotropic effective medium, the linear approximations for qP reflectivity can be used to estimate the fractures orientation. Under these assumptions this problem is reframed as the estimation of the symmetry axis orientation from qP reflectivity data. This work shows the requirement of multiple components and multiple azimuthal data and quantifies the minimum amount of data for stable estimation. Also it is shown that the reflection coefficients of converted waves qS and qT only are sensitive to fractures dip. The inversion of polarization and slowness from multiazimutal VSP data are investigated for the estimation of local anisotropy. We use measurements of the vertical component of the slowness vector and the qP polarization data of direct and reflected waves. The inversion algorithm is validated in synthetic data sets for different choices of the wave front normal, reference medium and acquisition geometries. This analysis shows that only a subset of elastic parameters is recovered. An important application of this approach is its potential to determine the class of anisotropy. The application of this methodology to the Java Sea data set shows that isotropy and transversely isotropic models are inadequate to fit the data.