
Interação genótipo x ambiente para a produção de leite na espécie bubalina utilizando inferência Bayesiana por meio de Amostradores de Gibbs

With the objective to verify the existence of the interaction genotype X enviroment, under the form of heterogenity of variances for the milk production in buffaloes and its impact in the genetic evaluation of the animals, using the Bayesiana inference by means of Gibbs Sampler, form used 5,484 r...

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Autor principal: CARDOSO, Adriana Maciel de Castro
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2014
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/5687
With the objective to verify the existence of the interaction genotype X enviroment, under the form of heterogenity of variances for the milk production in buffaloes and its impact in the genetic evaluation of the animals, using the Bayesiana inference by means of Gibbs Sampler, form used 5,484 registers of referring milk production to the productions of 2.994 females predominantly Murrah, calves of 150 sires, mateds with 1130 matrices, whose birth had occurred between the years of 1974 and 2004. The records had been proceeding from the Programa de Melhoramento Genético de Bubalinos (PROMEBUL) with the addition of records proceeding from the flock of the EMBRAPA Amazônia Oriental - EAO, located in Belém, Pará, State. Class of herd-year of birth had been established and in accordance with the standard deviation of milk production of each class had been classified in class of high and low phenotypic standard deviation. Later the data had been analyzed disrespecting and considering the standard deviations class. The used model used the referring fixed effect to the herd-year class, month of parity and covariable age of the female to the birth and length of the lactation, beyond the random effect of animal, permanent environment and temporary environment effects. For the fixed effect uniform was assumed distribution to priori and for the components of (co)variances, had been assumed distributions priori inverse qui-square and inverted Wishart. The observed averages and shunting line-standard for milk production in the class of high, low standard deviation and in general analysis, had been equal 1870,21±758,78, 1900,50±587,76 and 1885,48±677,98, respectively. The posterior averages for the components of variances had been bigger in the classroom of high standard deviation. The genetic correlation for milk production between standard deviation classes was equal the 0,58. The correlations of Spearman between the breeding values for the milk production obtained in general analysis with the values in the class of high and low standard deviation were 0,94 and 0,93 , respectively, for all the sires. For one it shows of the 10 better sires, the same correlations had been equal 0,94 and 0,47, respectively. Such results disclose presences of heterogenity of variances between herds and this heterogenity of variances is resultant of environmental factors, that can take to a wrong classification of the breeding value to best sires for the production milk.