
Distribuição espaço-temporal de macroinvertebrados aquáticos do médio Rio Xingu, Altamira - PA

The arm of this study was to avaluate the structure of the Benthic Macroinvertebrate assemblage an annual cycle in the Xingu River system, Brazil, measuring the annual secondary production. Two environments were studied in the middle Xingu River: the main channel and an insular lake. In the Lake...

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Autor principal: JESUS, Allan Jamesson Silva de
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2014
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/5689
The arm of this study was to avaluate the structure of the Benthic Macroinvertebrate assemblage an annual cycle in the Xingu River system, Brazil, measuring the annual secondary production. Two environments were studied in the middle Xingu River: the main channel and an insular lake. In the Lake were investigate the marginal and deeper habitats, with an Ekman-Birge grab. The habitats studied in the main channel were the rapids and the low flowing waters, with a surber net and corer. Were collected 23,432 macrobenthic orgamisms of 43 taxa, 8 classes and 4 phyla. The insects and gastropods compose the 47% and 36% of the total individuals collected, respectively. Rapids show the main taxa diversity. The fluvial low flowing and the marginal lake environments were very similar in species number. The mean density during the low waters was 1,605.75 ind.m-2, and during the flooding season was 894.43 ind.m-2. Leptophlebiidae, Hydropsychidae and Chironomidae were, respectively, the most relative abundants in the River with 29,0%, 21,4% and 13,07%. However, in the Lake Chironomidae (34,6%), Oligochaeta (23,2%), Chaoboridade (14,7%) and Nematoda (14,5%) were the most relative abundants. The macroinvertebrate assemblages differences between habitats were related with oxygen deficit in the waters and nutrients dissolved. The rapids were the more dissimilar habitat between all studied.