
Trajetórias tecnológicas e sistemas agrários: qualificação territorial utilizando geoprocessamento em Paragominas e Santarém/PA

The Amazon has been observed mainly through the deforestation phenomenon, using traditional resources from remote sensing as quantification of deforested area and its subsequent annual increasing, which sounds to be an effective methodology. Confirming this argument, I noted in a survey with 16.5...

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Autor principal: TANCREDI, Nicola Saverio Holanda
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2014
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/5926
The Amazon has been observed mainly through the deforestation phenomenon, using traditional resources from remote sensing as quantification of deforested area and its subsequent annual increasing, which sounds to be an effective methodology. Confirming this argument, I noted in a survey with 16.591 environmental fees applied by IBAMA/PA in the period 2000 to 2008, that more than 85,0% were related with biodiversity (flora), and specifically in the year of 2008 at the jurisdiction of IBAMA Santarém (west of Pará), almost 60% of fees had linkage with deforestation, identified by remote sensing. Analysis using only satellite images are not enough to identify elements of surface, with a poor contribution to the understanding and intervention of reality. It were interviewed and vectorized479 rural properties in the region of Paragominas and Santarém, state of Pará, which have historical land usedistinguished, qualifying them by technological trajectories in the Costa`s sense, correcting distortions of economic development, aggregating information at remote sensing data.It was applied geotechnologic resources of landscape metrics and were built a cell database integrated with statistics and algorithms of probabilistic optimization, associating classification non supervised isodata (validated with kappa index = 0,87, considered “excellent”) with production types collected in the field, generating an integrated classification (kappa index = 0,78, considered "very good"). In Paragominas were qualified 3 different types of technological trajectories, trajectory peasant.T8 (dominated by temporary culture), peasant.T3 and employer.T4 (specialized in beef cattle). In the region of Santarém, appeared trajectory peasant.T2 (high presence of permanent and temporary culture and agro forestry systems) and employer.T7 (mutation of T4, enhancing the participation of temporary cultures). The methodology was considered successful, spatializing rural properties by technological trajectories and generating land use classes more adequated, as temporary culture and pasture, but in the isodata classification was only “agropecuary”, resulting a more realistic viewof production activities developed in the investigated area, materializing the generation of spatial information by integrating data from different sources and increasing the capability of pixel analysis.