
Dimensionamento de armaduras longitudinais sujeitas à fadiga em vigas de pontes ferroviárias de concreto armado

Railway bridges reinforced concrete subject to variable dynamic actions due to vehicular traffic. These actions may result in the phenomenon of fatigue of steel and concrete structures such. In the design of reinforced concrete structures subject to cyclic loading, in general, the fatigue is cons...

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Autor principal: LEAL, Anderson Couto
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2014
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/6060
Railway bridges reinforced concrete subject to variable dynamic actions due to vehicular traffic. These actions may result in the phenomenon of fatigue of steel and concrete structures such. In the design of reinforced concrete structures subject to cyclic loading, in general, the fatigue is considered simply, by a coefficient kf, called coefficient of fatigue. This coefficient majora area of steel initially calculated to fulfill the Ultimate Limit State (ULS) in order to limit, in operation, the variations in stresses in steel to ensure a shelf life of at least 2 million cycles. This paper presents improvements in the assumptions used by the coefficient kf fatigue, allowing the design of longitudinal reinforcement subject to fatigue, to superior numbers to 2 million cycles, which is proposed by EB-3/67 value, and also in order to meet the service specified in the design fatigue life. In this case, it was necessary to propose a simplified method for estimating the number of operating cycles, starting from a standard cycle obtained by the maximum variation of bending moments caused by train - loaded type. The study was conducted using as a prototype railway viaduct isostatic reinforced the Carajás Railroad ( EFC ) concrete. Trains - type were used which currently operate in the EFC, which correspond to train ore Loaded and Unloaded. To determine the internal forces in the structure of a numerical model was developed in the SAP 2000 program. The fatigue life of longitudinal reinforcement were determined starting from the Miner damage rule and the SN curves of NBR 6118. The methodology proposed in this work allowed the scaling in longitudinal reinforcement fatigue satisfactorily in relation to the specified design life, and the lives that were most useful deviation from the stipulated value were 300 and 400 years.