
O conceito normativo de pessoa com deficiência para fins de reserva de vagas no mercado de trabalho

This dissertation examines the concept of a person with provisions of national and international disability law, inquiring who the members of this vulnerable group who have reserved the right to the labor market vacancies, by the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Law No. 8.112/90 and 8.213/91. Th...

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Autor principal: RESQUE, João Daniel Daibes
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2015
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/6375
This dissertation examines the concept of a person with provisions of national and international disability law, inquiring who the members of this vulnerable group who have reserved the right to the labor market vacancies, by the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Law No. 8.112/90 and 8.213/91. This is a survey focusing on the implementation of affirmative action, specifically the quota system aimed at social inclusion of people with disabilities. Verifies the existence of a disputed issue concerning relative indeterminacy of who are the addressees of that measure. Thus , we bring to the debate the normative set of laws , decrees and international treaties that have sought to define people with disabilities , among whom Decree No. 3.298/99 and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities UN . But we also analyze the main theoretical references related to the universe of disability, occasion in which we explore the evolution of human and fundamental rights of this group, through the main paradigms and demands of the social movements, knowing well what are the foundations of such rights and how require equal treatment. We seek to clarify and undo the conceptual mess that was established in the Brazilian legal system over the past 25 years, through the dissemination of the above information. We aim to enable it to comply with certain affirmative action requirements of validity, including the duty of justice and efficiency in fundamental redistribution of resources. We emphasize that the duty of social inclusion , as well as the success of affirmative action, are subject to greater knowledge about the rights of this group , both by law operators, as other professionals from other disciplines, which should work together to identify relevant facts in the social context that make individuals more vulnerable and justify state protection through the quota system .