
Aporte hídrico e de material particulado em suspensão para a Baía do Marajó: contribuições dos rios Jacaré Grande, Pará e Tocantins

The Amazon estuary is influenced by the tide and river discharge systems variations that modify the currents and contribute with inputs of suspended particulate matter (SPM) resulting in morphological changes along the river. The quantification of these parameters provides an understanding of the...

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Autor principal: COSTA, Maurício da Silva da
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2015
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/6378
The Amazon estuary is influenced by the tide and river discharge systems variations that modify the currents and contribute with inputs of suspended particulate matter (SPM) resulting in morphological changes along the river. The quantification of these parameters provides an understanding of the rates of export and import of materials or volume and its implications in the estuarine geomorphology. The aim of this study is to evaluate the hydrodynamic, volume transport and SPM in different periods in Jacaré Grande, Pará and Tocantins rivers. Speed and current direction, tide, turbidity, volume transport and SPM data were collected over a tide cycle in the dry (2012) and rainy (2013) periods. The Pará river the exported volume in both periods, while the Tocantins river imported during the dry period and the exported in the rainy period. The Jacaré Grande river, influenced by the Amazon river, imported in the rainy season and exported in the dry period. The analysis of the volume transport methods showed a trend of export toward Amazon river and Marajó Bay in the dry season and only toward the Marajó Bay during the rainy season. SPM values were higher in the rainy season and descending from Jacaré Grande river to the Tocantins river in dry and rainy season, respectively. Turbidity followed the same trend of SPM with tide, with maximum values during the flood. SPM transportation methods showed similar values and the same direction. The Jacaré Grande river served as an exporter during the dry period and as an exporter in the dry period, the Para river as an exporter in both periods and the Tocantins river in the dry season as an importer and as an exporter during the rainy season. The system formed by the three rivers showed the same trend of export in both periods, with two exportation routes in the dry season (Amazon river and Marajó Bay), and only one exportation route in the rainy period (Marajó Bay). Annually the system exports between 5 and 7.2 million tons and possibly the Marajó Bay receives 3.7 to 5.8 million tons. The volume transported to the ocean can be much higher. SPM flows, associated with the variability of environmental conditions, molds the estuary, as seen in the mouth of the Tocantins river and Guajará Bay. Thus, it important a continuous monitoring due to the potential boating accidents, oil spills or any contamination in the region that can result in damage the enviroment.