
Litisconsórcio, efeitos da sentença e coisa julgada na tutela dos interesses metaindividuais

The comprehension of the legal phenomenom as an inclusion sistem is fundamental for the comprehension of the standard approaches wich rule de tutelage of metaindividual interests. So porper 21st century, the main standards to this procedural sistem in Brazil are expressed under the Law 7.347/85 c/c...

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Autor principal: ROCHA, Ibraim José das Mercês
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2015
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/6494
The comprehension of the legal phenomenom as an inclusion sistem is fundamental for the comprehension of the standard approaches wich rule de tutelage of metaindividual interests. So porper 21st century, the main standards to this procedural sistem in Brazil are expressed under the Law 7.347/85 c/c Law 8.078/90 and the necessary interaction with the federal Constitution standards which rule such matter, where the legality model ad causam is granted and public as well as private social entities reflect their nature as a peace making tool to the social conflict. The phenomenon of pluraty of parts in the process of collective tutelage; the highlight to the procedural notion of terceiro is supposed to be essential for the comprehension of such phenomenon, detaching from its construction of material rights relationships that may originate its diverse modalities. The phenomenon of pluraty of parts in the process of collective tutelage; the highlight to the procedural notion of terceiro is supposed to be essential for the comprehension of such phenomenom in a collective tutelage site, which joinder of parties in the highest expression of such phenomenom, detaching from its construction of material rights relationships that may originate its diverse modalities. The respect of constitucional-procedural guarantee of the adversary and the legal defense as fundamental guarantee and right, importante and necessary to social tissue, may and shall be done under social parameters which are more reflexive to the place where special regulations of collective tutelage procedures are inserted, creating the patrio legislador "turns" of respect to its individual prisma, highlighting its social function, expressed in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of article 103 of Law 8.078/90. The efficacy of the decision in a collective tutelage site, for its nature will present repercussions about the interest of terceiros, and, as it is, it is for the tutelage of such individuals, so it is fair to say that they have efficacy ultra partes ou erga omnes, but the erga omnes are distinct from the judge part as well as ultra partes is, as it was thought on Chapter IV on Title III of Law 8.078/90, which only exclude thenselves on the form of "turns" thought of the legislator. No impairment there would be for the collective extension pro et contra of the erga omnes ou ultra partes effect of the judge part on tutelage of any of the metaindividual interests, with no exceptions, because they would not limit in any way the tutelage of the individual interests of mermbers of such collectivities, communites or group of victims, because it was not the aim of the collective procedure. But the caution demanded many "turns" to save such individual interests just in case of impertinence of the collective action, once that, is such a case, it is an only global responsibility of the defendant, being the individual interest in its range of action, it is not of the interest to act to intend a private tutelage as it is extincted in the procedure of collective execution.