
Da lama à ficção: memórias e diálogos da fome nos interstícios narrativos de homens e caranguejos

Homens e caranguejos (1967), only fictional narrative of Josué Apolônio de Castro (1908-1973), a priori published in french (1966), during the forcible exile of the author in Paris, it is summarily significant since the prologue which precedes the plot. Naming the introductory pages of this novel as...

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Autor principal: OLIVEIRA, Thiago Azevedo Sá de
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2015
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/6722
Homens e caranguejos (1967), only fictional narrative of Josué Apolônio de Castro (1908-1973), a priori published in french (1966), during the forcible exile of the author in Paris, it is summarily significant since the prologue which precedes the plot. Naming the introductory pages of this novel as Preface even more interesting than the novel , Josué de Castro stretches, going back in a time already considered anachronistic, the habit by prefatory writing, the conception of paratext amplified by Gerard Genette (1930), in Palimpsestes (1982). Introducing the hunger for childhood memories that he has, the author excites the readership's will to be closer to his seemingly childish naive, and also to his "inexperienced" thoughts of a fiction writer, the macrocosm of memories of hunger that served to him as port of departure for creating a playful and ravenous microcosm, in which the imagination and inability to complete re-presentation of the living language, rearrange the reality of the human condition, reinventing it for the dramatic articulation of formal elements, especially temporary space, narrator and character. Fiction sets in fragmented pace of adventures and misadventures assumed from the gaps of memory. Summaries will be the mnemonic studies, assessments of Henri Bergson in Matéria e memória (1896), Jacques Le Goff in História e memória (1924) and Maurice Halbwachs, the posthumous publication of A memória coletiva (1950), in the face of being subsidiaries sources the rapprochement between memory studies and literary activity. Launches hand keepsake to subbing future dialogues between child protagonist, João Paulo, avid dreamer's own freedom of the child, and the memories of other characters experienced, not as hopeful as well. Takes place in the narrative tone that oscillates between the processing and accommodation of self and other, space and uncertain symbiotically united by their hunger. Hunger that is, since the molding character, which causes the dialogue of this research with the mode of apprehension which is given by Angela Faria, the dissertation Homens e caranguejos: uma trama interdisciplinar. A literatura topofílica e telúrica (2008). One glimpses peckish element in a function that goes beyond thematization of social underdevelopment, as agent gropes with hand iron-formal and internal stratum of the novel.