
Geocronologia Pb-Pb em zircão e Sm-Nd rocha total da porção centro-norte do Estado do Amapá-Brasil: implicações para a evolução geodinâmica do setor oriental do Escudo das Guianas

The Guyana Shield is an extensive Paleoproterozoic domain whose main evolution is related to the Transamazonian orogenic event (2.2-1.9 Ga). However, registrations of on Archean history were obtained in metamorphic and igneous rocks of the Imataca Complex in Venezuela (>3.0 G a). The R b-Sr and S m-...

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Autor principal: AVELAR, Valter Gama de
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2017
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/8175
The Guyana Shield is an extensive Paleoproterozoic domain whose main evolution is related to the Transamazonian orogenic event (2.2-1.9 Ga). However, registrations of on Archean history were obtained in metamorphic and igneous rocks of the Imataca Complex in Venezuela (>3.0 G a). The R b-Sr and S m-Nd ages, obtained for g ranulitic and o rthogneissic r ocks o f t he central area of the Amapá State (2.45 Ga and 3.0 Ga), are other evidences of the presence of Archean relics in that shield. The eastern Guyana Shield includes the Amapá State, in Brazil and French Guyana. This portion of the shield belongs to the Maroni-Itacaiúnas Province, considered a Paleoproterozoic mobile belt added to an Archean block (Central Amazonian Province), between 2.20 and 1.95 Ga. Recent works provide a model of the Transamazonian geodynamical evolution between 2.20 and 2.08 Ga for this part of the Guyana Shield. A first period is related to early- to middle-Transamazonian crustal growthing by magmatic accretion (2.20-2.13 Ga) and a second one consists of crustal recycling (2.10-2.08 Ga). The main geological units found in Amapá consist of Achean tonalitic orthogneisses, migmatites and granulites (3.1-2.6 Ga), Paleoproterozoic greenstones belts (2.26 Ga) and, predominantly, Transamazonian granitoids and orthogneisses, of calc-alkaline to syenogranitic composition. In the northern area, an age of 2.15 Ga was defined for a tonalite, while in the central region, migmatitic rocks are associated to a potassic magmatism which happened at 2.06 Ga. Felsic (1.76 Ga) and alkaline (1.68 Ga) post-Transamazonian intrusions have also been recognized in Amapá. In this work a set of 41 isotopic data was obtained by Pb-Pb on zircon (18) and Sm-Nd on whole rocks (23) methods for 25 samples of orthogneiss rocks, metassedimentary rocks and granitoids from central and north Amapá. These data permitted to bring new chronological references for some key units of Amapá and to establish a chronology of the thermo-tectonic events during the Transamazonian orogeny. The data also allowed to investigate the nature and extension of reworked Archean crust and newly accreted Paleoproterozoic crust in that part of the shield. In central Amapá, in the vicinity of Tartarugal Grande city, zircon crystals of felsic granulites yielded a Pb-Pb age around 2.6 Ga. Still in that area, Pb-Pb zircon age of 2053 ± 1 Ma was obtained for a charnockitic pluton. In the surroundings of Cupixi village, zircon crystals from a tonalitic gneiss defined an age of 2849 + 6 Ma, while ages ranging from 2.13 to 2.07 Ga was defined by the zircons of an associated granitic mobilized. Zircon crystals from a monzogranite gave a crystallization age of 2055 ± 6 Ma and ages up to 2.56 Ga for an inherited component. The Nd T(DM) ages for ali these rocks ranged between 2.70 Ga and 3.29 Ga. In northern Amapá, severa' syenogranites provided crystallization ages of 2107 + 2 Ma, 2098 ± 2 Ma and 2087 ± 3 Ma. However, for one syenogranite and an alkali-feldspar gravite the Pb-Pb zircon ages defined an interval of 2.13-2.05 Ga and 2.10-1.95 Ga, respectively. The latter grafite also presented zircons with an inherited component of 2.60-2.54 Ga. Zircons from a diorite, defined a Pb-Pb crystallization age of 2181 ± 2 Ma. The Nd T(DM) model ages for that group of rocks spread in the interval of 2.75 Ga to 2.18 Ga. At the border area with French Guyana, along the Oyapock river zircons of a syenogranite and of a gabbroic intrusion yielded crystallization ages of 2096 ± 2 Ma and 2099 ± 1 Ma, respectively. Pb-Pb data on zircons from a quartzite, associate to the Paramacá Group, gave ages between 3.19-2.77 Ga, for the sources of the sediments. Two main magmatic episodes were identified by the Pb-Pb zircon data. A calk-alkaline one (dioritic and tonalitic), early- to middle-Transamazonian between 2.18-2.14 Ga, is associated to magmatic accretion. Another alkaline-potassic magmatic episode, among 2.11-2.09 Ga, which prevails in northern Amapá, is characterized by transcurrent tectonics and crustal anatetic processes. The emplacement of a charnockitic pluton at 2.05 Ga, in the central Amapá, suggests a late-Transamazonian age for the high-grade metamorphism identified, in this same area, in granolithic rocks with Archean protolith (2.6 Ga). This high-grade event is related to the late-Transamazonian (2.07-2.06 Ga) UHT (ultra high temperature) event identified in Surinam. The post-orogenic regional cooling was registered by the K-Ar, Ar-Ar and Rb-Sr methods on minerais between 2.05-1.80 Ga. In central and northern Amapá, the Nd T(DM) model ages and Pb-Pb zircon ages indicate a main period of mantle-crust differentiation during Middle-archean, among 3.0-2.9 Ga, with possible relics of crust of up to 3.29 Ga. Two magmatic episodes were recognized, one at around 2.85-2.79 Ga, defined by the tonalitic gneisses of Cupixi, and the other at around 2.62-2.58 Ga, constituted by the igneous precursors of the Tartaruga) Grande granulites. These results confirm the presence of preserved Archean nuclei, with similar age to those of the Archean crust of the Carajás Province. However, for the latter area there is not an outstanding registration of a Neoarchean episode, among 2.62-2.58 Ga, suggesting that the Carajás Province behaved as a stabilized area, while the Archean crustal segment of the southeast of the Guyana Shield was reactivated at the end of Neoarchean. In the northern Amapá and at the border with French Guyana witness of an Archean crust are only registered in detrital zircons (3.19-2.77 Ga) of metassediments and as inherited zircons in Pelaoproterozoic granitoids and orthogneisses (2.6 Ga to 2.9 Ga). The Nd T(DM) rnodel ages among 2.75-2.40 Ga of the Paloproterozoic rocks (2.18-2.05 Ga), indicate a mixture between a revvorked Archean crust and a Paleoproterozoic juvenile crust in the source of these rocks. The Pb-Pb data and Sm-Nd ages obtained in this work coníĩrm a Transamazonian evolution for the Central and northern Amapá, similar to that of the French Guyana, in the period between 2.20-2.08 Ga. However, the geological evolution of Amapá differs from the evolution of French Guyana by the presence of reworked Archean crust and by the existence of a late- Transamazonian high-grade magmatic-metamorphic event. Three domains were recognized in southeast Guyana Shield. A northemmost domain, in French Guyana, displays simatic juvenile characteristics. The southemmost domain, in central Amapá, possesses ensialic characteristics, being fonned by midle- to neoarchean nuclei, reworked during Transamazonian orogeny. A transitional domain between those two domains has been identified in the north portion of Amapá. In French Guyana the limit between the transitional and simatic domains is probably WNW-ESE oriented, while the limit between the transitional and the Archean reworked domain is located nearby the at north of granolithic complex of the Tartarugal Grande region.