
Morfologia e mudanças costeiras da margem leste da Ilha de Marajó - (PA)

The eastside of the Marajó Island (Pará State) shows a diversity of morphological features produced by sea level changes, neotectonic and coast dynamics, during Late Cenozoic. The sea level changes, from Miocene to Holocene, controled the deposition of Barreiras Formation and Pós-Barreiras Sedime...

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Autor principal: FRANÇA, Carmena Ferreira de
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2017
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/8176
The eastside of the Marajó Island (Pará State) shows a diversity of morphological features produced by sea level changes, neotectonic and coast dynamics, during Late Cenozoic. The sea level changes, from Miocene to Holocene, controled the deposition of Barreiras Formation and Pós-Barreiras Sediments that form the coastal upland. The framework neotectonic structures controll the NE-SW strip-slipe fault systems and NW-SE normal faults, influencing the distribution of relief units and the fluvial and shoreline morphology. The coastal morphology shows two main units: coastal upland and coastal plain. Coastal upland represents a flated relief with low ondulations and elevations between 5 and 15 meters. The contact with the coastal plain is abrupt, forming “dead” and active cliffs. The coastal plain has a flat relief with low gradients, with portions below 5 meters in hight, which favors sea inundations and the sedimentary dynamic. Long term coastal changes, during the last 5.000 years, resulted in shoreline accretion in response to regressive or stable sea level conditions, with the development of tide flats and mangroves, with migration of barrier-beaches and dunes over mangrove deposits. The accretional and regressive successions of the Soure coastal plain is agreeable to the regressional succession (S2) and transgressive succession (S3) as proposed to coastal plains of Bragança, Salinópolis, Marapanim and São João de Pirabas. The medium term coastal dynamic (1986/2001) is represented by morphological changes in response to interactive action of wave, current, tide and wind process, which has produced changes in the shoreline position. Soure and Salvaterra coast has been submited, in the last 15 years, to erosional processes characterized by shoreline retreat. The total of erosioned lands reached from 0.89 km2 (1986/1995), to 0.38 km2 (1995/1999) and 0.75 km2 (1999/2001). While the accretional areas represent a total of 0.21 km2 (1986/1995), 0.32 km2 (1995/1999) and 0.08 km2 (1999/2001). The short term coastal changes involve the morphological and textural variability from beach topographic profiles in the rain and dry periods seazon in 2001. The seasonal changes are reflected in answer from the beach profiles in respose to variations of tides, ranges of currents, wave energy, availability of sediments and coastal morphology. In Soure, the erosional phase (february to april rainy period with highest tidal range) when it is possible to observe the shoreline retreat (21 m), backshore reduction (13 m), parallel dislocation of foreshore, sedimentary loses, granulometric coarsing (2.81 to 2.94 ϕ, thin sand)) and better selection (0.24 to 0.33, very well selected). The accretionary phase (july to nevember, dry period with stronger winds) showed: hight tide line extension (82 m), backshore enlargement (48 m), sedimentary gain (+339.25 m3), granulometric finning (2.86 a 3.10 ϕ, thin to very thin sand) and worse selection (0.28 to 0.40, very well to well selected). In Salvaterra, the accretional phase (february to april) showed high tide line extension (29 m), backshore enlargement (13 m) and raise of beach volume. In profile 1, there was a granulometric coarsing (0.84 ϕ, thick sand) and worse selection (0.51, moderatelly selected). In profile 2, the grain became thinner (1.49 f medium sand) and better selection (0.44 well selected). The erosional phase (july to november) showed high tide line retreat (25 m), diminution backshore (8 m), sedimentary loses (-22.69 m3), exchange of material between the higher amd lower part of the profiles, the grain became thinner (1.39 ϕ medium sand) and worse selection (0.52 moderatelly selected). The vulnerability of the coast zone to natural risks occur in response to erosive processes in the last 15 years. The environmental zonement resulted in an integration of morphological dates with analysis of coastal changes geoindicators and human interference levels. Different sectors of the coastal zone were classified in : permanent preservation areas (mangroves, beaches and dunes), adequated to occupation areas (coastal upland), areas with risk to occupation (cliff sides) and environmental damage areas (deforested mangroves, beach-dune ridges occupied). The recomendations of preservation, use and future occupation from the coast should subsidize the planning and coastal management. The use of remote sensing and of Geographic Information System, in the several stages of this thesis development, represented important tools to data aquisitions, spatial analysis and synthesis, understanding of coastal relief distribution and caracteristics, observation and quantification of the changes, thematic mapping. Thus this information presents a large use in coastal studies.