
A formação do leitor literário através do livro “Pequenas Descobertas do Mundo” de Clarice Lispector

This work emerged from the decision to work with literary literacy within a class of 25 students in the 9th grade of primary education in a state school of primary and secondary education in Castanhal, a city located approximately 73 km from Belém. The work has developed for over a month (seven clas...

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Autor principal: MONTEIRO, Samara de Oliveira
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2017
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/8191
This work emerged from the decision to work with literary literacy within a class of 25 students in the 9th grade of primary education in a state school of primary and secondary education in Castanhal, a city located approximately 73 km from Belém. The work has developed for over a month (seven classes of two hours each), and has sought to reveal the initial contact with the literary text, by reading four texts from the book Pequenas descobertas do mundo, from the writer Clarice Lispector: Tortura e glória, Restos do carnaval, O primeiro beijo e Banhos de mar. The activities were grounded in accordance with the basic didactic sequence proposed by COSSON (2006) and the reading strategies proposed by GIROTTO & SOUZA (2011), that emphasize the communicative characteristics of the literary text and the explanation of the skills used by teachers, more experienced readers, to their students, thus enabling the understanding of the mechanisms that are put into action, at the time of reading a literary text. The reading of the full texts in the classroom, with pauses for clarification of used reading strategies, along with comments on each text, was accompanied by the reading of other texts from other authors, as well as listening to music, and presenting of videos and images. We believe that this work happened in a positive and satisfactory way, because provided the contact between students with one of the most important Brazilian writers, promoted useful moments of dialogue between the class and the teacher about the texts, paving the way for students to continue on the search for moments where literary texts provide enjoyment and learning.