
Biopolíticas de saúde mental, poder disciplinar psiquiátrico e modos de subjetivação de professoras primárias internadas como loucas

The main objective of this doctoral thesis was to analyze how the primary teachers hospitalized in the Juliano Moreira Hospital, in Pará, were conceptualized as insane from relations knowledge-power instituted in that space institutionalized for madness in our state. The specific purpose is directed...

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Autor principal: NASCIMENTO, Sérgio Bandeira do
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2017
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/8374
The main objective of this doctoral thesis was to analyze how the primary teachers hospitalized in the Juliano Moreira Hospital, in Pará, were conceptualized as insane from relations knowledge-power instituted in that space institutionalized for madness in our state. The specific purpose is directed to reflect on the theoretical and methodological perspectives that involve the production of truth about the theme of Madness and its constitution as epistemological area of scientific production in Brazil; to problematize relations of power-knowledge that guided the production of Madness from the institutionalization of HJM hospital model in the years 1964-1984;to analyze how the official discourse of Para governments engendered by the power mechanisms of discipline and biopolitics constituted the madness treatment practices in this hospital; and analyze how primary teachers hospitalized in this psychiatric space were conceptualized as insane based on the relations of power-knowledge prescribed in their medical records. What devices is under, the thematic related to madness has been constituted as epistemological area of scientific production in Brazil based on the relations of power-knowledge? How relations know-power produced the ways of subjectivity from the Madness of speeches in Juliano Moreira Hospital, in Pará, between the years 1964-1984?How the mechanisms of power of discipline and biopolitics was constituted in official speeches of Pará governments in this period for through the analysis of Madness treatment practices in this hospital? How the primary teachers hospitalized in this clinical space were conceptualized as insane based on the relations of power-knowledge prescribed in their medical records? It is a historical and educational research under theoretical and methodological ballast Foucault's genealogy with documentary contribution in the medical records of HJM in Pará governorsmessagesof the period in question, newspapers, SESPA reports and two important journals begotten by professionals of psychiatry from Paráthe Bulletins of the Juliano Moreira Hospital Research Centre that circulated between the years 1967-1971 and Psychiatry Para Magazine edited in 1984. The formulated thesis consists of the assertion according to which the field of education the madnessconstitutes themed of little epistemological interest, however, studies of Michel Foucault about the analytical categories knowledge, power, discipline, biopolitics, speech and subjectivity are important theoretical tools able to helpin the understanding of mental health biopolitics engendered by the Pará Stateduring the functioning of Juliano Moreira Hospital, because within this institution had confrontation treatment paradigms of hospitalized subjects andtheir speeches produced for framing women as primary teachers as insane emerged from relations know-power coming from the areas of medicine and its related, as well as the operating force of the disciplinary society traversed for government official politics, whose capillarity extends of prescriptive way to family cycles that also contributed to the legitimacy of the subjective process of these teachers like mad. Sustenance starting from Foucault analytical anchors, which these primary teachers resisted to subjective process they have suffered, and the various manifestations of these invisibilized teachers, including their knowledge, were characterized as transgression mechanisms against the abduction of their bodies. I reiterate also that the forms of resistance of these teachers have subverted the discursive rationality centered on freedom and humanization of relations in the HJM from 1964 and all its prescriptive apparatus. It was concluded that primary teachers hospitalized in the Hospital Juliano Moreira and their various formsof manifestations that produced them like insane, had their knowledge also guided by a technical-scientific rationality, however, fully deprecated versus relations know-power psychiatrist, as well as the manifestations of resistance of these women-teachers about their subjectivation process, emerged as claim evidence of their madness and not as resistance strategies to control their bodies, without giving the crossing of gender and sexuality issues, permeated by normativities and power of families.