
As repercussões do PROUNI na vida profissional dos egressos da UNAMA

This study analyzed the impact of the University for All Program-ProUni in the professional life of graduates of the University of Amazonia-UNAMA, in Belém do Pará. To do so, it was necessary to discuss the access policies and permanence to Higher Education from 1990s in the Brazilian educational sc...

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Autor principal: FERREIRA, Sônia Andréa Pimentel Rodrigues
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2017
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/8481
This study analyzed the impact of the University for All Program-ProUni in the professional life of graduates of the University of Amazonia-UNAMA, in Belém do Pará. To do so, it was necessary to discuss the access policies and permanence to Higher Education from 1990s in the Brazilian educational scenario. The methodological research route was based on a qualitative approach made through the Case Study, for which he was selected Amazon University-UNAMA. As data collection instruments and information were used questionnaires to graduates and analysis of documents provided by the institution. It also carried out the literature review and in order to process the information collected, the document analysis and content analysis. Paradoxically, the analysis showed the contradictory aspects that make up the ProUni. On the one hand, public funds investments are aimed at private higher education institutions, encouraging them twice during the history of the program, both in the occupation of unfilled vacancies as the exemption of taxes and contributions. On the other hand, it appears that the difficulties and challenges experienced by the students were diverse, ProUni allowed access to a small portion of the population of low-income to higher education, presenting limited, with regard to the stay, do assured support various expenses in the academic journey of these students.