
A Configuração da carreira do magistério da rede pública de educação básica do município Cametá/PA nos PCCRS municipais (2006-2013)

The emergence of Teaching Career Plans in Brazil, in the 1990s, in the context of social, policies and globalizing educational reforms proposed in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil (1988) and in LDBN - 9.394/96, represented a new and decisive fact for the (re)enhancement of teach...

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Autor principal: CASTRO, José Joaquim Martins de
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2017
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/8600
The emergence of Teaching Career Plans in Brazil, in the 1990s, in the context of social, policies and globalizing educational reforms proposed in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil (1988) and in LDBN - 9.394/96, represented a new and decisive fact for the (re)enhancement of teaching professionals career. This scenario gave rise to this research "Setting of Public Basic Education Teaching Career of Cametá/PA in PCCRs: Law No. 066/2006; Law No. 212/2012 and Law No. 256/2013". The research aimed to study the setting of primary education professionals career in the municipality of Cametá/PA, with the PCCRs deployed in this city as analysis element. To guide the process we used the following question as a general objective: How the career of public school basic education teachers of Cametá/PA is set, from the legal regulations in municipal extent and PCCRs, Laws No. 066/2006; No. 212/2012 and No. 256/2013. And as specific objectives: to identify and analyze legal devices, within the municipality of Cametá/PA, the PCCRs approved in the recent context of reforming and globalizing policies dealing with the teaching career and its setting; to analyze how the teaching career in this city is set, regarding to the presence of enhancement elements of basic education teachers' career from the following elements: join career; progression forms; salary and remuneration; working hours; encouraging formation; assess whether they are presented as a stimulus and/or incentive for better pay, appreciation, attractiveness and incentive to keep in career. The research methodology was qualitative approach and the research strategy was the case study. Data collection was developed through bibliographical and documentary review on teaching career, based on authors and experts in the field, as well as national and municipal laws. The research also articulated qualitative and quantitative information, since it uses important numerical data processed in tables and charts within this research. The results allow us to conclude that the national legislation, implanted mainly from the 1990s, dealing with teaching career in Brazil, had a great influence and were instrumental in the implementation of norms on the municipal level. Also, it was found that the context of implementation of municipal PCCRs (Laws No. 066/2006, No. 212/2012 and No. 256/2013), introduced improvements and rights achievements, since they were prepared in accordance with national laws’ determinations. This teaching career (re)setting presented enhancement and attractiveness’ elements for teachers career. Concerning to salary and remuneration, it became clear that in the municipality of Cametá the implementation of fund policies (FUNDEF and FUNDEB) enabled better salary gains to education professionals. However, it was also noted that, despite evidences of career advancement, it is necessary to ensure real salary increases in order to raise the income of education professionals, transforming it into attractiveness factor for the teaching profession, thus improving the economic and financial structure of the teacher.