
Risco e proteção à violência intrafamiliar nas trajetórias desenvolvimentais de adolescentes e jovens

This dissertation aimed to investigate the exposure of adolescents and young people to violence in the family context, identifying their perceptions about this violence, about risk and protection factors, as well as their implications in the developmental trajectories of students from public schools...

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Autor principal: MAIA, Rosely Cardoso
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2017
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/9318
This dissertation aimed to investigate the exposure of adolescents and young people to violence in the family context, identifying their perceptions about this violence, about risk and protection factors, as well as their implications in the developmental trajectories of students from public schools in the city of Belém Two studies were carried out: the first consisted of a Systematic Review of Literature about the panorama on intrafamily violence against adolescents and young people, where the search was done in the CAPES, SciELO and LILACS directories, and were selected for analysis 22 articles that were in line with pre-determined inclusion criteria. The analysis was made through content analysis, resulting in two final categories: risk factors and protection factors. The most frequent risk factors in the studies were sexual violence, physical violence, psychological violence, teenage pregnancy, alcohol abuse and STD / AIDS. The protection factors corresponded to the institutional reception, perception about intrafamily violence, care network, perception about the family and support network. The second study had a qualitative approach, with transversal and retrospective delineation on issues involving family relationships and exposure to intrafamily violence against adolescents and youth. Fifteen students from public schools in the municipality of Belém, aged between 16 and 19, participated in the study. The semi-structured interview and the field diary were used for data collection. The analysis technique was based on content analysis, which showed the following thematic categories: family perceptions, risk and protection in family relationships, perceptions about intrafamily violence, and the implications of intrafamily violence in the trajectories of development of the subjects. In general, the results of these categories showed that adolescents and young people have a positive perception about the family, where it plays a fundamental role in their lives, even if they have been exposed to physical and / or psychological violence along their developmental trajectories. In addition, the students attribute the behavioral changes as a consequence of exposure to intrafamily violence in order to prevent the recurrence of violence, as well as not reproduce with the children the violence suffered. It concludes by pointing to the need to understand the family dynamics and how this can be configured as a risk factor for adolescents and young people, putting in question its protective role in the development of family members.