
O direito à cidade e as desconformidades urbanas: identificação, classificação e mensuração através da matriz de amplitude, intensidade e taxa (MAIT)

Brazil is a continental and urban country, which more than 80% of population lives in the cities, in irregular and illegal conditions with an elevated stage of insustentability to the major of population. There were many legislative and administrative advances, in special the sanction of the Stat...

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Autor principal: CARDOSO, Myrian Silvana da Silva
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2018
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/9461
Brazil is a continental and urban country, which more than 80% of population lives in the cities, in irregular and illegal conditions with an elevated stage of insustentability to the major of population. There were many legislative and administrative advances, in special the sanction of the Statute of the City in 2001, and the creation of the Ministry of Cities in 2003, but such advances still haven't produced results in the sense to revert this precarious and urban disconforming situation, resulted from the conflicts between the occupation process and the brazilian legalization process, intending the magnitude, historical and multifaceted character of the problem, originated since the colonial period. In this sense, this research objective was to identify, classify and measure the conditions of urban disconforming. Such for, was created a model nominated MAIT - Matriz de Amplitude, Intensidade e Taxa (Amplitude, Intensity and Rate Matrix), which expresses in percentual terms this conditions, by thirty six dichotomous variables, distributed in twelve dimensions, agglutinated in four natures (Land patrimonial, Environmental urban, Infrastructural and Socioeconomic). This model was applied in 1935 realties, located in consolidated settlements, at UFPA/Union, situated around the University campus, in the neighborhoods of Guamá, Terra-Firme e Marco, land regularization object developed by the Union in the last three years. The research demonstrates that the amplitude (48,3%) and the intensity (44,8%) are presented in a moderate way, whereas the rate of disconforming realties comes to the maximum limit of 100%, but when analyzed in its distinct parts, demonstrates significant variability between these magnitudes, is either entirely or in parts of the settlement analyzed