
Entre marés e mangues: paisagens territorializadas por pescadores da Resex marinha de São João da Ponta/PA

From 1990, the first Conservation Units, which contemplated and favored the presence of traditional populations, were verified in Brazil, a process resulting from the mobilization and struggle of the rubber tappers of the Amazon. Extractive Reserves, specified as a category of sustainable use, initi...

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Autor principal: FERREIRA, Suzanna da Silva
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2018
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/9469
From 1990, the first Conservation Units, which contemplated and favored the presence of traditional populations, were verified in Brazil, a process resulting from the mobilization and struggle of the rubber tappers of the Amazon. Extractive Reserves, specified as a category of sustainable use, initiate the insertion and valorization of traditional knowledge in a regulated and recognized way in the preservation system in Brazil, in spite of that, the economic activities as a source of subsistence Of native flora or artisanal fishery) in the traditional way, and subject to specific regulations (Diegues, 2008). The concept of RESEX was extended until the implantation of territories conserved in coastal zone, covering fishing communities in all extension of the Brazilian coast. With the fishing potential found in the state of Pará (which together with the Maranhão and Amapaan coast, the largest continuous mangrove coast in the world), the creation of RESEX Marinhas in this coastal landscape has increased successively. Between tides, forests, mangroves, rivers, roads, dwellings, squares, ports and other landscapes, artisanal fishermen of RESEX Marinha São João da Ponta, characterize, organize, conceive, structure their territory of daily activities, materializing territorialities and Shaping landscapes. This territory, defined by processes of temporal relations, can not be understood as dissociated from the landscape, since, considering that the landscape "clarifies and humanizes the territory", as is well illustrated by Passos (2013, p.29), it is understood that already It is not enough to analyze the territory, and the respective territorialities that constituted it, without understanding the subjectivity and distinct physical and symbolic elements imbricated to it. It is intended to analyze, in this way, how the landscape territorialized by fishermen is identified by them, and if this identification of their territoriality addresses or can guide paths that conceive the landscape as a "web of relations" that social subjects construct with their territory. In order to interpret the identification of the territorialities of the fishermen it is fundamental to consider the traditional knowledge and their conceptions about the landscape. Therefore, mapping the production sites, which are fishing spots called fishing grounds (where fish species are concentrated in the tide), through participatory mapping, was one of the methodological paths used to interpret the landscape territorialized by artisanal fishermen. This research was carried out in a qualitative approach, developed in the methodology of action research indicated by Thiollent (1996) and aligned with the methodological procedures of field work with semi-directed interviews, participatory mapping with remote sensing image, elaboration of cartographic products with treatment Of information in GIS and geo-photography. The development of this research is significant so that these territories, identified by the fishermen themselves through the marks of the landscape and the paths to which these subjects belong and belong, remain contemplated in the management process, from the elaboration of materials and instruments that continuously Monitoring and protection, for the management and selection of areas of conflict or possible overfishing and consequent impoverishment and / or depletion of exploited resources.