
Produção habitacional em pequenas cidades paraenses: análise do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida e planos locais de habitação de interesse social

This Master's Dissertation aims to determine to what extent the Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (PMCMV) incorporated the instruments on the Social Housing System expressed within Local Social Housing (PLHIS) 05 (five) small towns in the State of Pará (Aurora do Pará, Limoeiro do Ajuru, Primavera, São...

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Autor principal: COSTA, Najara Mayla do Socorro Veiga
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2018
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/9710
This Master's Dissertation aims to determine to what extent the Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (PMCMV) incorporated the instruments on the Social Housing System expressed within Local Social Housing (PLHIS) 05 (five) small towns in the State of Pará (Aurora do Pará, Limoeiro do Ajuru, Primavera, São Francisco do Pará and Soure). The research was developed based on the dialectical method, and the methodological procedure: literature, documentary and field research. The literature prioritized studies on Property Issues in the capitalist mode of production, with classical authors and contemporary, discussing the construction of urban space in the capitalist dynamics, the logic of housing production, focusing on the production of small Amazonian cities. The documentary research was conducted in 21 PLHIS checking: a) instruments and programs adopted action plans for housing assistance; b) prioritization of areas of intervention; c) meeting criteria for families in housing programs; d) x established local housing need targets; and, e) Minha Casa Minha Vida. The field survey was conducted in five (05) small towns paraenses to develop analyzes of the housing production of the Minha Casa Minha Vida and the same relation to the implementation of Local Plans of social housing, where they were interviewed 20 people total five (5) cities, with the following breakdown: a) interviews with 02 public officials; and, b) interviews with 02 social workers, and an adviser to the Social Housing Fund and a member of the PMCMV Works Monitoring Committee in each municipality. For the analysis of the collected data set 4 variables: a) Characterization of PLHIS; b) characterization of PMCMV; c) relationship between PLHIS and PMCMV; and, d) participation and social control. In particular, on field research conducted in five (5) small towns, it can be said that: 1) the PLHIS constituted as an important housing policy instrument, but the instrument was little used in housing production in small towns studied ; 2) PMCMV in five (5) small paraenses cities, has delayed works, lack of municipal dialogue with financial institutions and use of materials with poor quality in the production of housing, and does not consider the riverside particularity of small towns and; 3) to act outside the framework of SNHIS, the PMCMV failed to incorporate important instruments of decision and social control.