
Incentivos fiscais de ICMS declarados inconstitucionais pelo supremo tribunal federal podem ser cobrados do contribuinte?

The dissertation aims to investigate the question of whether a taxpayer may be forced to return to the treasury amounts resulting from ICMS tax incentives declared unconstitutional by the Federal Supreme Court. It begins by presenting the concept, causes and development of the fiscal war, analyzing...

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Autor principal: CARDOSO, Breno Lobato
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2018
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/9758
The dissertation aims to investigate the question of whether a taxpayer may be forced to return to the treasury amounts resulting from ICMS tax incentives declared unconstitutional by the Federal Supreme Court. It begins by presenting the concept, causes and development of the fiscal war, analyzing whether this kind of public policy is capable of bringing advantages. Next, the position of the Federal Supreme Court on the subject is analyzed, which is to recognize the unconstitutionality of fiscal incentive laws made without the unanimous authorization of CONFAZ. The effects of this declaration of unconstitutionality on the taxpayer's legal sphere are discussed in order to conclude that it is necessary to modulate the effects of the decision for the future, in the light of the principle of the protection of legitimate expectations. The jurisprudence of the Federal Supreme Court is criticized, arguing that it would be incompetent, since the matter is infraconstitutional and, with support in doctrine, that art. 2, paragraph 2, of LC 24/1975 was not approved by the Constitution. At the end, it proposes to change the legislation, allowing the granting of ICMS tax incentives by states in the north, northeast and center-west regions, with the authorization of the absolute majority of CONFAZ.