
Viabilidade estrutural dos blocos em concreto vazado produzidos com agregados da região do baixo amazonas estado do Pará, para a utilização em alvenaria estrutural

This study aims to analyze the performance of blocks, prisms and Mini Structural masonry walls made from blocks produced with Concrete aggregates baixo amazonas Region. This region of the baixo amazonas has a number of types of materials that can be used in conjunction with other aggregates, the...

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Autor principal: SILVA, Hugo Ricardo Aquino Sousa da
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2018
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/9868
This study aims to analyze the performance of blocks, prisms and Mini Structural masonry walls made from blocks produced with Concrete aggregates baixo amazonas Region. This region of the baixo amazonas has a number of types of materials that can be used in conjunction with other aggregates, the manufacture of concrete blocks for use in structural masonry. The construction of buildings with structural use of concrete blocks is growing considerably across the country. This study focuses attention on the city of Santarém and nearby towns in order to characterize the structural form and map the aggregates for the production of concrete blocks. In the city of Santarém and municipalities around thus considered baixo amazonas, many households are being used for the production of mortar and concrete, either dry or conventional. There is still no evidence about their effectiveness and efficiency. This work was performed in order to obtain greater insight into the structural masonry type of construction that is reclaiming its space in the building sector. In materials and methods to be employed in this certification testing of prisms and walls will be conducted using concrete blocks and aggregates of the baixo amazonas region.