
Lixões nas cidades: o perverso encontro entre resíduos sólidos e crianças. O caso do lixão do bairro das Flores em Benevides, estado do Pará

Brazil adopted a new policy on solid waste management by Law 12.305/10. Among its strongest regulations and also the most difficult to achieve in practice is the mandatory determination to eradicate dumps in the country until 2014, since there are still irregular garbage dumps in more than half of m...

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Autor principal: BRAGA, Tatiana Brito Guimarães
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2018
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/9880
Brazil adopted a new policy on solid waste management by Law 12.305/10. Among its strongest regulations and also the most difficult to achieve in practice is the mandatory determination to eradicate dumps in the country until 2014, since there are still irregular garbage dumps in more than half of municipalities. At those sites of social reproduction, the presence of people in a position of vulnerability is often recorded, especially of children, forced to live with accumulation of violations of various orders, despite already raised to the category of persons addressed by various national and international human rights protection instruments. This paper addresses the perverse encounter between solid waste and children, proposing to investigate the extent to which the end of dumps is configured as an effective mechanism for promoting human rights of children. This is a case study of the dump of District of Flowers in Benevides, a member of the Metropolitan city of Belém, Pará State, which initially points that the development models adopted in cities as well as consumption can be considered one of the factors that contributed to the present configuration of the issue of landfills in the country; it also brings examples of solid waste management in State of Pará, it discusses the relationship of dumps with the human rights of infants from its contemporary conception based on universality, indivisibility, and specificity; it calls for the achievement of these rights under the veil of principles of human dignity and social inclusion, as well as by respecting the right to development and to ecologically balanced environment. In this research were used qualitative techniques such as the observation of the site and its surroundings, semi-structured interviews, analysis of coverage of print and TV media, as well as obtaining photographic records. This set of techniques allowed the creation of an iconography of the landfill. In addition to the literature review it was studied relevant legislation, as well as the Public Civil Action proposed by State Prosecutor on the case. It was observed that the end of dumps, although probably not represent a goal liable to be achieved throughout the country until the deadline stipulated by the Law 12.305/10 (since it runs into issues ranging from global issue regarding the subject to the political challenges and policy management) should mean a decisive factor of change in lives of children living in this universe. It was concluded that the extinction of the District of Flores dump in the city of Benevides / PA and its transformation into a managed landfill meant an important mechanism of protection and assertion of some of the human rights of children in that place, by keeping them away, at first moment - critical, from risk and violation of rights which they were constantly exposed, especially the right not only to health but also to a balanced environment, and in a second stage, by bringing about real possibilities of other rights such as the right to development, and to prospect of decent future through integrated actions between the various actors involved.