
Aspectos bioquímicos e morfológicos da matriz extracelular das cartilagens septal e alares do nariz suíno

The objective of the present study was to characterize some aspects of the extracellular matrix components of the alar and septal cartilage of the nose of swine and to examine the histological and histochemical aspects of the two types of cartilage. The kaotropic agent Gu-HCl was used to extract...

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Autor principal: MESSIAS JÚNIOR, Nazário de Souza
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Estadual de Campinas 2018
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/9919
The objective of the present study was to characterize some aspects of the extracellular matrix components of the alar and septal cartilage of the nose of swine and to examine the histological and histochemical aspects of the two types of cartilage. The kaotropic agent Gu-HCl was used to extract the matrix components. The predominant glycosaminoglycan in the two caitilages was chondroitin sulfate. After ultracentrifugation, the D4 fraction of the septal and alar cartilages was fractioned on DEAE-Sephacel using na NaCl gradient. SDS-PAGE analysiys showed similarities between the two cartilages, with the presence of fíbromodulin, decorin and binding proteins. Only the septal cartilage presented the 115 kDa component, which possibly appears as 30 kDa subunits after the action of the reducing agent. The glycosaminoglycan populations were determined by fractionation on Sepharose CL-6B followed by analysis of the samples on the agarosepolyacrilamide gel. The two cartilages presented a strongly polydispersed population, which was less uniformly polydispersed in the septal than in the alar cartilage. AD2 fractionation on DEAE-Sephacel and sample analysis by SDS-PAGE and agarosepolyacrylamide electrophoresis showed the presence of the small proteoglycans biglycan and decorin, possible associated with the large proteoglycans. The septal cartilage presents chondrocytes roughly arranged in rows accompanyng the widest axis of the cartilage, whereas the alar cartilage presents chondrocytes characteristically arranged in isogenic groups. Histhochemistry was performed usisng Xylidine Ponceau for total proteins, Picrosirius-Hematoxylin for collagen, Toluidine Blue for total glycosaminoglycans. And alcian blues, pH 2.5 and pH 1.0, for sulfated and carboxylated glycosaminoglycans. Total glycosaminoglycans are more cleary visible in the territorial matrix, whereas total proteins are more cleary visible in the interterritorial matrix. The collagen of the septal cartilage is roughly organized along the longitudinal axis of the specimens between the chondrocytes rows.