
Estudo Taxonômico de Plântulas de Espécies Arbóreas que Ocorrem no Parque do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (Belém - / Pará). Sapotaceae: Manilkara huberi n'lv (Ducke) A.Chev

Manilkara buberi, known as maçaranduba, occurs in the Brazilian Amazon, from Pará to Amazonas, in dryland forests and floodplains. We used 30 fruits, 30 seeds and 10 seedlings, describing their morphology. The general morphology, color, texture, consistency, dehiscence and indumentation of the fruit...

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Autor principal: Takeda, Patrícia Sayurí
Outros Autores: Gurgel, Ely Simone Cajueiro, Santos, João Ubiratan Moreira dos
Grau: Resumo
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi 2023
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Manilkara buberi, known as maçaranduba, occurs in the Brazilian Amazon, from Pará to Amazonas, in dryland forests and floodplains. We used 30 fruits, 30 seeds and 10 seedlings, describing their morphology. The general morphology, color, texture, consistency, dehiscence and indumentation of the fruits were recorded; the tegument, endosperm and embryo of the seeds were described, as well as the main vegetative elements of the seedlings. The seedling was considered the stage of development where the eophilia were fully formed. The entire study was based on specialized literature and the morphological characters were illustrated with photographs. The fruits are bacidia-type stenocarpic, globose, indehiscent, fleshy, generally monospermic, but some fruits have two seeds, apiculate, rounded apex and base, when immature they are green and mature with brown exocarp, greenish-brown mesocarp and brownish endocarp. Dispersion zoochoric, seeds are stenospheric, elliptic, rounded apex, entire margin, asymmetric base; forehead blended, brownish, carthaceous, glabrous, shiny-a and slightly reticulate; hilar region lateral, sub-apical, hilum oblong, well visible, lighter brown than the forehead, in depression; tegumen membranous, light brown; endosperm hard, continuous, white, thick, adnate to the tegumen. Germination phanerocotyledonary, epigeal, emergence curved, prefoliation valvar. Seedling with persistent cotyledons during the entire gemini phase; alternate eophylls, pubescent nervation, brochidodromous, limb with curved base and straight apex, simple, foliaceous-cartaceous consistency, large and thin, conduplicate prefoliation. The characterization of the morphology of fruits, seeds, germination and seedlings contributes to the identification of the species in the field, in the early stages of development.