
A família Bignoniaceae juss. na APA de Algodoal/ Maiandeua, Maracanã, Pará. Brasil

The Algodoal/Maiandeua (Algodoal Island) APA is located in the northeast coast of Pará, in the Municipality of Maracanã, between the geographic coordinates 00° 34' 4" to 00° 34'30" S and 47° 31' 05" to 47° 34'12" W. The ecosystems distributed on the island are: mangroves to the south, center and nor...

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Autor principal: Furtado, Mônica Nazaré Rodrigues
Outros Autores: Secco, Ricardo de Souza, Rocha, Antônio Elielson Sousa da
Grau: Resumo
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi 2023
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The Algodoal/Maiandeua (Algodoal Island) APA is located in the northeast coast of Pará, in the Municipality of Maracanã, between the geographic coordinates 00° 34' 4" to 00° 34'30" S and 47° 31' 05" to 47° 34'12" W. The ecosystems distributed on the island are: mangroves to the south, center and north; hypersaline fields in the interior, which are formed by herbaceous vegetation (apicuns), near the mangroves; restinga to the north, and in the center of the island secondary vegetation (barrier formation). The present study presents the taxonomic treatment of the Bignoniaceae species occurring in the Algodoal/Maiandeua APA. The floristic survey activities were divided into field collection and treatment of herborized samples; the collected samples were dissected, identified and incorporated in the MG herbarium; the already herborized material was hydrated in 70% ammonia solution, and then the reproductive parts were dissected. In the studied area, the family is represented by woody Banas, in a semi-arbustive form, represented by the following species: Arrabídaea cynnamomea (A.De.) Sandwith, Dístíctella cuneífolía (De.) Sandwith, Dístíctella racemosa (Bureau & K.Schum) Urb, Memora allamandíflora Bureau ex. K.Schum, Memora magnífíca (Mart. ex. DC) Bureau and Paragonía pyramídata (Rich.) Bureau. Species descriptions, illustrations, keys and general comments are presented.