
Processos de patrimonialização e turistificação na produção do espaço do bairro Cidade Velha, Belém-PA

The patrimonialization and touristification while socio-spatial processes, have contributed significantly to the production of urban space through the conflict between the interests exogenous areas, local and social dynamics, especially in urban historic centers. In this context, this study was guid...

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Autor principal: CASTRO, Cleber Augusto Trindade
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2022
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.ifpa.edu.br/jspui/handle/prefix/353
The patrimonialization and touristification while socio-spatial processes, have contributed significantly to the production of urban space through the conflict between the interests exogenous areas, local and social dynamics, especially in urban historic centers. In this context, this study was guided generally by questions about how the heritage processes and touristification has contributed recently to the production of space in Cidade Velha neighborhood in Belém-PA. More specifically ask: a) What are the agents of the heritage processes and touristification's Cidade velha neighborhood, Belém-PA? b) What strategies of appropriation and use of space are adopted by these agents? The survey allows us to understand the consequences of policies for cultural heritage and tourism development in material aspects and social relations and symbolic in this neighborhood. Furthermore, work permits show the diversity of agents and socio-spatial strategies inconsistently present in these processes. To develop the study with a qualitative approach, surveys and analyzes were performed in bibliographies that provided theoretical and conceptual development research. We conducted field work, attending meetings of neighborhood residents, as well as semi-structured interviews with staff representatives of social groups identified by the theoretical research, also considering the field observations.