
Avaliação das condições de processamento em pequenas unidades processadoras de mandioca do nordeste paraense

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) culture plays a social role in generating employment and income for family farmers and communities, such as cassava agricultural industrialization, which happens in the so-called “flour houses”, artisanal establishments that even small people must be able to affor...

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Autor principal: SOUZA, Fernanda Vanessa de Aragão
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará 2023
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.ifpa.edu.br/jspui/handle/prefix/439
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) culture plays a social role in generating employment and income for family farmers and communities, such as cassava agricultural industrialization, which happens in the so-called “flour houses”, artisanal establishments that even small people must be able to afford. hygienic-sanitary. Agricultural industrialization is also a means for farmers and their families to remain in the countryside, providing an alternative to the rural exodus and thus strengthening family farming in the region. The objective of this research was to evaluate the cassava chain scenario in family farming communities in the Apeú district, Castanhal, northeastern Pará, to study the generation and disposal of residues generated by this activity and to propose improvements for the adequacy of a flour processing unit. tapioca through the training of farmers and structural adjustments in the enterprise. In order to create a socioeconomic and productive diagnosis, data collection was performed on-site from December 2017 to February 2018, in 18 cassava processing enterprises with the aid of the snowball sampling technique. of a questionnaire consisting of open and closed questions, with a total of 35 producers interviewed. In May 2018, the hygienic and sanitary conditions of a tapioca flour processing unit were evaluated by means of a checklist. After evaluating the hygienic and sanitary conditions, the steps of tapioca flour production were observed, and a flowchart of the steps was elaborated to understand the operations, in view of the reality found in the communities, in the period of December 2018, it was offered cassava management courses and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to train producers. It was found that these producers have several structural and socioeconomic difficulties, and depend fundamentally on the production and marketing of products as a means of income and food. In addition, despite having an association serving communities, most family farmers still do not see benefits from participating as members. It was found that the tapioca flour processing unit was classified in Group 3 (0 to 50% of the items served), considering the hygienic-sanitary quality according to current legislation, with grades below 40%. The results show the lack and precariousness of GMP that exists in these establishments, being necessary adjustments in the establishment. It also made it possible to detect that the studied cassava processing enterprises in the northeast region of Pará do not adequately treat their residues, which, even being an organic material, can cause damage to the environment and public health. The participation of farmers in cassava and GMP management courses has made it possible to learn and train how to improve the production of this crop and the production of their enterprises.