Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

Mineralogia e Geoquímica do Perfil Laterito-bauxítico da Área Vera Cruz – Província Bauxitífera de Paragominas – NE do Estado do Pará

Bauxite are the major aluminum ores, are formed by intense weathering of different rock types and very common in tropical regions such as the Amazon. Different researchers have worked on this subject, whose genesis and complex structure of the profiles is still very controversial issue. In the st...

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Autor principal: OLIVEIRA, Leonardo Coutinho
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: 2019
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Bauxite are the major aluminum ores, are formed by intense weathering of different rock types and very common in tropical regions such as the Amazon. Different researchers have worked on this subject, whose genesis and complex structure of the profiles is still very controversial issue. In the state of Pará, the province bauxitífera Paragominas is the latest producing region after region of Trombetas. In structuring the profile of this region, superimposed on the main bauxite horizon (BC – Crystallized Bauxite), there is a horizon of Nodular Bauxite (BN). This has proportionally high content of kaolinite, harmful to the metallurgical process for obtaining alumina. This study characterized the different horizons through chemical analysis and mineralogical Fluorescence and X-ray diffraction, and petrographic description / texture in order to recognize the structural and textural influences the genesis and development of the profiles. Were selected three bauxitic profiles of Vera Cruz area, city of Paragominas, a total of 30 samples. The results revealed a high concentration of kaolinite and consequently high content of reactive silica (SiO2_R) and low alumina contents usable in most of BA, BCBA, LF, BN BNC horizons, and good values of these parameters for most samples the Horizon BC . The mineralogy has high levels of gibbsite (main ore/mineral-Al) with different “degrees of crystallinity” in addition to kaolinite, goethite (mainly aluminous), hematite, anatase and quartz in different proportions, depending on the horizon. Different images and schematic representations of the textures were obtained in order to assist the understanding of the formation and development of horizons within the profile. It is concluded that the origin and development of the profiles occurred in a complex and polyphasic ways, given its structure, petrographic-textutal characteristics and irregular geographic distribution, which had confirmed Costa (1984) and Kotschoubey et al (2005) models. Another important finding was the strong influence climate and the occurrence of at least two bauxitization cycles, temporally well marked, the first in the Eocene or early Oligocene and the second in late Oligocene or early Miocene.