Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

O uso de personagens de Histórias em Quadrinhos (HQ) no ensino de Química: o lúdico como instrumento de aprendizagem

Normative instruction No. 01/2022 of the Pro-Rectory of Graduation of the Federal University of Pará, which regulates TCC activities, made available the expansion of the range of activities accepted for the evaluation of course completion works, seeking to reduce the negative impacts of the pandemic...

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Autor principal: OLIVEIRA, Carina de Oliveira e
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: 2022
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Normative instruction No. 01/2022 of the Pro-Rectory of Graduation of the Federal University of Pará, which regulates TCC activities, made available the expansion of the range of activities accepted for the evaluation of course completion works, seeking to reduce the negative impacts of the pandemic of COVID-19 in the student scenario. In line with this document, the present work will present the activities developed during the Ludquí project, which included the development and application of didactic materials, based on the style of Comics, encompassing the science disciplines: Chemistry, Physics and Biology. The aim is to make science classes more dynamic and fun, helping students to develop their ability to analyze and reflect and enhance learning, making it more meaningful. The subjects and associated characters were divided among the production team, where the elaboration step by step was divided into: Initial construction of the subject, which includes the presentation of the character, association with a science discipline, exercise production and finally the conceptual map on the topic. After this initial process, prepared in the form of a document, the typed materials were finally sent to graphic production after content evaluation by the project coordination. The materials will be applied by the scholarship holders, with students from the hospital class, from the project hospitals, for various age groups and levels of education, with the plan to be extended in the future to other places and educational spaces for execution and evaluation. It is concluded that the project is extremely relevant for teacher training and consequently a learning facilitator, meeting one of the main focuses within Science teaching, which is the search for new theories, methodologies and approaches, capable not only of transforming the teacher's posture in the classroom, but also enabling a break with the strong characteristics of traditional teaching, which still prevails in current curricula.