Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

Obtenção de óleos essenciais por arraste a vapor: uma proposta de intervenção metodológica para o ensino de Química

When the student is motivated, he acts of his own volition, he makes analogies of what he learned in theory with what was seen in practice, improving his knowledge. An interesting form is an intervention proposal that leads to critical thinking. This work aims to provide and encourage the use of met...

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Autor principal: CAMPOS, Warley Neves de
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: 2022
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When the student is motivated, he acts of his own volition, he makes analogies of what he learned in theory with what was seen in practice, improving his knowledge. An interesting form is an intervention proposal that leads to critical thinking. This work aims to provide and encourage the use of methodologies with experimentation using alternative and low-cost materials for teaching and learning Chemistry by teachers, in addition to instigating, demonstrating and bringing students closer to laboratory practices, reinforcing the role of experimentation. in science teaching in a contextualized way. The first presentation of the work proposal was held at Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio Profª. “Olinda Veras Alves” through the UFPA PIBID for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year classes. The second presentation was carried out at the school selected for the work, which was the main school of the public network, Gonçalo Ferreira State School of Elementary and High School, in the 3rd grade afternoon class, in the city of Curuçá-PA. Quantitative questionnaires were applied to analyze the results of the proposal. In the first stage, a dialogic-expository class on the topic was held. In the second, the proposed experimental practice was carried out with the participation of the students. Aromatic plants were used for experimentation. The experiment constructed and presented was to demonstrate an alternative method of extraction by steam drag. The results showed that 90% of the students considered the experimental practice good or excellent. 93% said that the methodology applied was important and significant. 76% were able to see the scientific context behind the experimentation. 64% began to realize that through experimentation it is possible to learn Chemistry in a pleasant, fun way. 92% compared and assimilated theory and practice addressed. 77% understood the methods and techniques passed on. 93% managed to add knowledge about O.E. 85% learned about O.E. 92% understood the usefulness of O.E, the difference between essence and O.E, and the difference between vegetable oil and O.E. Thus, it is inferred that experimental activities that use alternative materials contribute, motivate, improve creativity, as well as students' self-esteem and make the teaching of chemistry in schools more interesting and enjoyable. Therefore, despite the difficulties encountered by the school located in the interior of the Amazon, it is stated that it is possible to allow students to reach the objectives of classes with varied contents of Chemistry.