Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

Projeto de criação de uma escala de risco de desenvolvimento de úlcera de pressão e orientação de medidas preventivas no Hospital Metropolitano de Urgência e Emergência

The pressure ulcer is configured in one of the diverse complications that hospitalized patients are submitted witch is characterized by leading to the partial or total destruction of structures as weaveeed cutaneous, subcutaneous, muscular, bones and joints. In advanced level the treatment becomes d...

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Autor principal: SOARES, Daniel Augusto dos Santos
Outros Autores: PEREIRA, Lucas Montenegro Duarte
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: 2023
Acesso em linha:
The pressure ulcer is configured in one of the diverse complications that hospitalized patients are submitted witch is characterized by leading to the partial or total destruction of structures as weaveeed cutaneous, subcutaneous, muscular, bones and joints. In advanced level the treatment becomes delayed and onerous the health system. The purpose of this study was elaborating a scale of risk for the development of pressure ulcer, being correlated it with the adoption of writs of prevention with the purpose to reduce the incidence of these ulcers. The casuistry and method were: it’s a Interventionist, clinical, longitudinal of the type before and after study developed in the HMUE. A protocol of research was elaborated, that evaluated sensitivity, mobility, conditions of the skin, nutritional conditions, dosage of albumen, C.T.L., humidity and other factors. For each variable average was attributed a grade, that it props up it end classified the patient as low, medium or high risk. In accordance with the group, was adopted determined measured of prevention. At the end, the authors had compared the incidence of pressure ulcer from the implantation of the protocol of research with the frequency of pressure ulcer in 2008, in the same period and sectors studied. The results were: of 474 studied patients 17 they had developed ulcer of pressure with bigger incidence on the masculine sex (88.2%), in period of stage II (41.2%) and of sacral localization (40%). The risk factors associates had been less mobility reduces of sensitivity, the bad nutritional state, the skin conditions, the dehydrated skin, the congestive cardiac insufficiency, the hemoglobin < 11 and the age biggest that 60 years. It had a reduction of 42,4% of ulcer of pressure in 2009 in relation to the year of 2008 and a 58,09% of efficacy. The introduction of the protocol of research associated with the measures of prevention had been efficient in the prevention of ulcer of pressure in the patients studied during the period of accomplishment of the study.