Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

Avaliação do desenvolvimento de recém-nascidos menores de 1.500g atendidos no ambulatório do prematuro durante dois anos.

PURPOSE: The advance in the just-born near of the birth cares of risk made possible the increase of supervened of babies with lesser gestational ages each time, although to continue being the prematurity the main cause of neonatal morbi-mortality. This work considers to follow it the growth an...

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Autor principal: CAMPOS, Brian Corrêa
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: 2023
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PURPOSE: The advance in the just-born near of the birth cares of risk made possible the increase of supervened of babies with lesser gestational ages each time, although to continue being the prematurity the main cause of neonatal morbi-mortality. This work considers to follow it the growth and development of lesser premature that 35 weeks of gestacional age or with weight to the lesser or equal rising that 1.500g, in the first years of life, evaluating the risk factors and relating them with alterations of the neuropsicomotor, visual, auditory system and nutricionals conditions. METHODS: All had been evaluated daily in the two registered turns the in the clinic of the premature of the FSCMPa through the fulfilling of the protocol of research in partnership with discipline of pediatrics of the UFPA, under supervision of the neonatologist of the schedule and the handbooks had been reviewed for evaluation in the subsequent consultations how much to the defined criteria already in the objectives. The total was of 131 babies. RESULTS: Amongst the etiologist factors more frequent related as factors of risk for delay of the DNPM, the present study it verified that the biggest number of RN acometers with alterations in the DNPM 20 years were of mothers with age ≥ (N=103/131 - 78,62%), the majority of the mothers (90/131 - 68,70%) had steady union. The risk for delay also raises with the reduction of the mothers background (95/131 - 76%), income ≤ to a minimum wage (79/131 - 63,2%), in patient children of mothers who had not carried through prenatal (73/131 - 56,15%), in mothers that had presented unexpected damage during the gestation, having been IUT 58/131 – 59,8% of the cases, “leucorréia” with 56/131 - 57,7%, HISP with 40/131 - 41,2%. DM/Bleeds Other causes with 4/131 - 4,1%. In the relative variable to the RN, masculine sex was affected, bigger number of delays in RN of gestation age ≤ the 30 weeks, weight to the rising ≤ 1.000g, the APGAR of the fifth minute ≤ 6 found association significant statistics for predisposition the delays and damages. Those that had not carried through reanimation Peri-birth had presented greater occurrence of delays. It had risk of prevalence for bigger motor delay 5,47 times for those RN that had carried through Mixing suckle detriment EMA to it, following in the same direction the excessively topical ones of the development. In relation gestation age and reanimation in childbirth room, this data statistical presented significant relation for the associations of gestation age /PPV 100% and gestation age and IOT, showing risk of necessity of reanimation increased for gestation ages above of 31 weeks. Becoming related gestation age and delays in the DNPM, it was observed that the alterations are in the lower pregnancy bands of age. In the relation it enters the delays in the DNPM with the pursuing of the consultations, observed a decrease of these in all the areas of the development, being this more evident reduction in the neurological area (of 13,7% for 8,4%) and in the auditory area (of 6,9% for 1,5%). CONCLUSION: The RN with alterations of the DNPM are related low partner economic indices, absence of the prenatal accomplishment of an adequate one, with a gestational age decrease and the necessity of reanimation. The main sequels presented for the RN´s are related to the motor system, with delay in coarse the motor development. However, the intervention of the team to multidiscipline that it composes the clinic comes reduced damage and improving the morbidly of these patients.