Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

Avaliação da potabilidade das águas de poços artesianos de residências adjacentes aos cemitérios na cidade de Bragança - Pará

This final project aims at carrying out an investigation in water samples from thirteen points, in order to verify if there are indicators of contamination in the water coming from artesian wells of houses nearby the cemeteries “Santa Rosa de Lima” and “Campo da Saudade”, in Bragança-Pará-Brazil. We...

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Autor principal: SOUZA, Yone de Fátima Carvalho de
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: 2023
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This final project aims at carrying out an investigation in water samples from thirteen points, in order to verify if there are indicators of contamination in the water coming from artesian wells of houses nearby the cemeteries “Santa Rosa de Lima” and “Campo da Saudade”, in Bragança-Pará-Brazil. We also aim at verifying whether there is evidence those cemeteries have influence on the problem, taking into account possible contamination of groundwater in the areas of the aforementioned necropolises and the surrounding area, through physical-chemical, microbiological and organoleptic indicators. We used the direct method through laboratory analysis. We have considered the Decree 888/2021 from the Brazilian Ministry of Health, which indicates the values for drinking water. For the detection of microbiological parameters such as Total Coliforms and Escherichia coli, we used the Chromogenic/ Enzymatic Substrate method, SMEWW, 9223 B. In the physical-chemical (organoleptic) analysis for Turbidness, the method used was the Nephelometric, SMEWW, 2130 B. For detection of heavy and alkaline metals, the method used was Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP), SMEWW, 3120B. Water samples were collected during 2021, in the rainy season, in the months of February and March, and in the less rainy or dry season, in the months of June and July for physical and microbiological analyses; in September, samples were collected for metal analyses. The results of some samples were above the Maximum Permissible Values. In the first sample collection, 0.2% of the samples near the “Santa Rosa de Lima” cemetery presented the presence of Total Coliforms, while 100% of the samples near the “Campo da Saudade” cemetery presented Total Coliforms. In the second sample collection, near the “Santa Rosa de Lima” cemetery, 0.1% detected Total Coliforms and Escherichia coli, and near the “Campo da Saudade” cemetery, Total Coliforms was reported in 0.75% of the samples. The presence of aluminum was detected in 0.5% of the samples near the “Santa Rosa de Lima” cemetery; the samples collected close to the “Campo da Saudade” cemetery presented 0.75% of presence of aluminum. This may indicate a possible presence of water table contamination, which can occur due to the proximity to cemeteries and possible infiltrations in graves that make the slurry flow to the water tables and consequently to adjacent regions. Water captured by surrounding artesian wells can compromise the quality of life of the population and, if used for human supply and consumption, can harm health.